“Tocapitalize JavaScript” Kode Jawaban

JS Huruf pertama huruf huruf huruf besar

//capitalize only the first letter of the string. 
function capitalizeFirstLetter(string) {
    return string.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + string.slice(1);
//capitalize all words of a string. 
function capitalizeWords(string) {
    return string.replace(/(?:^|\s)\S/g, function(a) { return a.toUpperCase(); });

string huruf besar di js

var str = "Hello World!";
var res = str.toUpperCase();  //HELLO WORLD!

memanfaatkan JavaScript

const name = 'flavio'
const nameCapitalized = name.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + name.slice(1)
Anxious Anteater

untuk capital case javascript

const toCapitalCase = (string) => {
    return string.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + string.slice(1);
David Diamant

Tocapitalize JavaScript

const capitalizeText = (text) =>{
    return text.toLowerCase().charAt(0).toUpperCase()+(text.slice(1).toLowerCase())
Evil Elephant

JS memanfaatkan

const capitalize = s => s && s[0].toUpperCase() + s.slice(1)

// to always return type string event when s may be falsy other than empty-string
const capitalize = s => (s && s[0].toUpperCase() + s.slice(1)) || ""
Defiant Dragonfly

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