Saring karakter dari kata -kata dalam array javascript

var strings = ["Cairo", "Casablanca", "Cangzhou", "Carcas"]; // Your array of things to filter

function disp(matches) {
    // Displays the filtered results on the page
    var results = document.getElementById("suggestions");
    results.innerHTML = matches.join("<br>");


function regExpTest(inputString, regex) {
    // Checks to see if what the user typed matches any items in gucciArray
    return regex.test(inputString);


function typeKey(event) { // This function is supposed to be called whenever the user types a letter in the text box
    var textTyped =; // What the user typed in the text box;

    var filter = new RegExp(textTyped.split('').join('.*'), 'i'); // Matches anything with the characters that the user typed, in order, with any characters inbetween them
    // Filter the array
    // Returns a new array containing the items from the old array that pass the RegExp test
    var filteredArray = strings.filter(s => regExpTest(s, filter));

    // Display the filtered results on the page


Fragile Finch