“Operator aritmatika di javascript” Kode Jawaban

Operator Aritmatika JavaScript

Operator	Name	Example
+	Addition	x + y
-	Subtraction	x - y
*	Multiplication	x * y
/	Division	x / y
%	Remainder	x % y
++	Increment (increments by 1)	++x or x++
--	Decrement (decrements by 1)	--x or x--
**	Exponentiation (Power)	x ** y

Operator aritmatika di javascript

let x = 5;
let y = 3;

// addition
console.log('x + y = ', x + y);  // 8

// subtraction
console.log('x - y = ', x - y);  // 2

// multiplication
console.log('x * y = ', x * y);  // 15

// division
console.log('x / y = ', x / y);  // 1.6666666666666667

// remainder
console.log('x % y = ', x % y);   // 2

// increment
console.log('++x = ', ++x); // x is now 6
console.log('x++ = ', x++); // prints 6 and then increased to 7
console.log('x = ', x);     // 7

// decrement
console.log('--x = ', --x); // x is now 6
console.log('x-- = ', x--); // prints 6 and then decreased to 5
console.log('x = ', x);     // 5

console.log('x ** y =', x ** y);

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