JavaScript ScrollToView Vue
The block option decides where the element will be vertically aligned inside the visible area of its scrollable ancestor:
Using {block: "start"}, the element is aligned at the top of its ancestor.
Using {block: "center"}, the element is aligned at the middle of its ancestor.
Using {block: "end"}, the element is aligned at the bottom of its ancestor.
Using {block: "nearest"}, the element:
is aligned at the top of its ancestor if you're currently below it.
is aligned at the bottom of its ancestor if you're currently above it.
stays put, if it's already in view.
The inline option decides where the element will be horizontally aligned inside the visible area of its scrollable ancestor:
Using {inline: "start"}, the element is aligned at the left of its ancestor.
Using {inline: "center"}, the element is aligned at the centre of its ancestor.
Using {inline: "end"}, the element is aligned at the right of its ancestor.
Using {inline: "nearest"}, the element:
is aligned at the left of its ancestor if you're currently on its right.
is aligned at the right of its ancestor if you're currently on its left.
stays put, if it's already in view.
Both block and inline can be used at the same time to scroll to a specified point in one motion.
Monk Motivation