Objek matematika lengkap di JavaScript

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        <h1>This is math object tutorial</h1>
    // Printing the Math Object
    let m = Math;

    // Printing the constants from Math Object
    console.log("The value of Math.E is ", Math.E)
    console.log("The value of Math.PI is ", Math.PI)
    console.log("The value of Math.LN2 is ", Math.LN2)
    console.log("The value of Math.SQRT1_2 is ", Math.SQRT1_2)
    console.log("The value of Math.LOG2E is ", Math.LOG2E)

    // Printing the Functions from Math Object 
    let a = 34.64534;
    let b = 89;

    console.log("The value of a and b is ", a, b);
    console.log("The value of a and b rounded is ", Math.round(a), Math.round(b));

    console.log("3 raised to the power of 2 is ", Math.pow(3, 2)) 
    console.log("2 raised to the power of 12 is ", Math.pow(2, 12)) 
    console.log("1 raised to the power of 2 is ", Math.pow(1, 2)) 

    console.log("Square root of 36 is ", Math.sqrt(36)) 
    console.log("Square root of 64 is ", Math.sqrt(64)) 
    console.log("Square root of 50 is ", Math.sqrt(50)) 

    // Ceil and floor
    console.log("5.8 rounded up to nearest integer is ", Math.ceil(5.8)) 
    console.log("5.8 rounded down to nearest integer is ", Math.floor(5.8)) 

    // Abs function
    console.log("Absolute value of 5.66 is  ", Math.abs(5.66)) 
    console.log("Absolute value of -5.66 is  ", Math.abs(-5.66))

    // Trinonometric Functions
    console.log("The value of sin(pi) is ", Math.sin(Math.PI/2))
    console.log("The value of tan(pi) is ", Math.tan(Math.PI/2))
    console.log("The value of cos(pi) is ", Math.cos(Math.PI/2))

    // Min and max functions
    console.log("Minimum value of 4, 5, 6 is ", Math.min(4,5, 6));
    console.log("Minimum value of 14, 5, 16 is ", Math.min(14,5, 16));
    console.log("Maximum value of 4, 5, 6 is ", Math.max(4,5, 6));
    console.log("Maximum value of 14, 5, 16 is ", Math.max(14,5, 16));

    // Generating a random number
    let r = Math.random();
    // Random number b/w (a, b) = a + (b-a)*Math.random()
    let a1 = 50;
    let b1 = 60;
    let r50_60 = a1 + (b1-a1)*Math.random();
    console.log("The random number is ", r)
    console.log("The random number is ", r50_60)


Noorulain Fatima