“Sengkurit dalam JavaScript” Kode Jawaban

Jenis Api Sentang

  title: "Are you sure?",
  text: "Your will not be able to recover this imaginary file!",
  type: "danger",
  showCancelButton: true,
  confirmButtonClass: "btn-danger",
  confirmButtonText: "Yes, delete it!",
  closeOnConfirm: false
  swal("Deleted!", "Your imaginary file has been deleted.", "success");
Worrisome Whale

Sakelar Peringatan

	title: "Good job!",
	text: "You clicked the button!",
	icon: "success",
	button: "Aww yiss!"
Eager Eagle

Konfirmasikan peringatan manis

swal("Are you sure?", {  dangerMode: true,  buttons: true,});
John wick

Sweet Alert Tambahkan Tombol Kustom

    $(document).on('click', '.SwalBtn1', function() {
        //Some code 1
        console.log('Button 1');
    $(document).on('click', '.SwalBtn2', function() {
        //Some code 2 
        console.log('Button 2');

        title: 'Title',
        html: "Some Text" +
            "<br>" +
            '<button type="button" role="button" tabindex="0" class="SwalBtn1 customSwalBtn">' + 'Button1' + '</button>' +
            '<button type="button" role="button" tabindex="0" class="SwalBtn2 customSwalBtn">' + 'Button2' + '</button>',
        showCancelButton: false,
        showConfirmButton: false
Indian Gooner

Bootstrap peringatan manis

Swal.fire({  icon: 'success',  title: 'Oops...',  text: 'Something went wrong!',  footer: '<a href>Why do I have this issue?</a>'})
Brave Baboon

Sengkurit dalam JavaScript

  title: "Are you sure?",
  text: "Once deleted, you will not be able to recover this imaginary file!",
  icon: "warning",
  buttons: true,
  dangerMode: true,
.then((willDelete) => {
  if (willDelete) {
    swal("Poof! Your imaginary file has been deleted!", {
      icon: "success",
  } else {
    swal("Your imaginary file is safe!");
Grieving Grasshopper

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