Cari Produk oleh Startswith di JavaScript

const products = [
    "Dell hardcore 129 laptop",
    "iphone 1Tb camera flashlight phone",
    "yellow laptop with balack camera",
    "Dell 1x59 lenovo commercial yoga Laptop",
    "LG supernove laptop dell",
    "HTC low price phone",
    "Dell purple color phone with Laptop"
//Search start with 
const searching = "Dell";
const output = [];
for (const product of products) {
    if (product.toLowerCase().startsWith(searching.toLowerCase())) {
// [
//     'Dell hardcore 129 laptop',
//     'Dell 1x59 lenovo commercial yoga Laptop',
//     'Dell purple color phone with Laptop'
// ]
Ariful Islam Adil(Code Lover)