“JavaScript Konverter Kode Online ke TypeScript” Kode Jawaban

JavaScript Konverter Kode Online ke TypeScript

var a=5
Breakable Bat

JavaScript Konverter Kode Online ke TypeScript

import {createApi, fetchBaseQuery} from `@reduxjs/toolkit/query/react`
import type {} from `./types`

export const currentWeatherApi = createApi({
    reducerPath: "currentWeatherApi",
    baseQuery: fetchBaseQuery({baseUrl:`https://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/weather?lat={lat}&lon={lon}&appid=`}),
    endpoints: (build) =>({
        getCurrentWeather: build.query({
            query:() => "apiKey"

export const {useGetCurrentWeatherQuery} = currentWeatherApi;
Black Batfish

JavaScript Konverter Kode Online ke TypeScript

--[[ I'm commenting out this section so the rest of
--   this script remains runnable.
-- Suppose the file mod.lua looks like this:
local M = {}

local function sayMyName()

function M.sayHello()
  print('Why hello there')

return M

-- Another file can use mod.lua's functionality:
local mod = require('mod')  -- Run the file mod.lua.

-- require is the standard way to include modules.
-- require acts like:     (if not cached; see below)
local mod = (function ()
  <contents of mod.lua>
-- It's like mod.lua is a function body, so that
-- locals inside mod.lua are invisible outside it.

-- This works because mod here = M in mod.lua:
mod.sayHello()  -- Says hello to Hrunkner.

-- This is wrong; sayMyName only exists in mod.lua:
mod.sayMyName()  -- error

-- require's return values are cached so a file is
-- run at most once, even when require'd many times.

-- Suppose mod2.lua contains "print('Hi!')".
local a = require('mod2')  -- Prints Hi!
local b = require('mod2')  -- Doesn't print; a=b.

-- dofile is like require without caching:
dofile('mod2.lua')  --> Hi!
dofile('mod2.lua')  --> Hi! (runs it again)

-- loadfile loads a lua file but doesn't run it yet.
f = loadfile('mod2.lua')  -- Call f() to run it.

-- loadstring is loadfile for strings.
g = loadstring('print(343)')  -- Returns a function.
g()  -- Prints out 343; nothing printed before now.


D r

JavaScript Konverter Kode Online ke TypeScript

var a=3
console. log (a)
Breakable Bat

JavaScript Konverter Kode Online ke TypeScript

import {createApi, fetchBaseQuery} from `@reduxjs/toolkit/query/react`
import type {} from `./types`

export const currentWeatherApi = createApi({
    reducerPath: "currentWeatherApi",
    baseQuery: fetchBaseQuery({baseUrl:`https://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/weather?lat={lat}&lon={lon}&appid=`}),
    endpoints: (build) =>({
        getCurrentWeather: build.query({
            query:() => "apiKey"

export const {useGetCurrentWeatherQuery} = currentWeatherApi;
Black Batfish

JavaScript Konverter Kode Online ke TypeScript

window.requestAnimationFrame = window.requestAnimationFrame || window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame || window.mozRequestAnimationFrame;

Elvis Tezén Villanueva

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