Diberikan sistem qubit dan dengan demikian kemungkinan pengukuran menghasilkan basis , , , , bagaimana saya dapat mempersiapkan negara, di mana:
hanya ini hasil pengukuran yang mungkin (katakanlah, , , )?
pengukuran ini sama-sama mungkin? (seperti Bell state tetapi untuk hasil)
notasi Dirac? Saya mencoba$\ket{00}$
dan gagal.Jawaban:
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Katakanlah kita telah mengirimkan ke 1∣00⟩ . Kami dapat mengirimkannya ke113√∣00⟩+2√3√∣01⟩ 13√∣00⟩+(12(1+i))2√3√∣01⟩+(12(1−i))2√3√∣10⟩ by a SWAP−−−−−−√ . That satisfies you're requirements with all probabilities 13 but with different phases. If you want use phase shift gates on each to get the phases you want like if you want to make them all equal.
Now how do we get from∣00⟩ to 13√∣00⟩+2√3√∣01⟩ ? If it was 12√∣00⟩+12√∣01⟩ , we could do a Hadamard on the second qubit. It is not a easy with this but we can still use a unitary only on the second qubit. That is done by a rotation operator purely on the second qubit by factoring as
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I'll tell you how to create any two qubit pure state you might ever be interested in. Hopefully you can use it to generate the state you want.
Using a single qubit rotation followed by a cnot, it is possible to create states of the form
Then you can apply an arbitrary unitary,U , to the first qubit. This rotates the |0⟩ and |1⟩ states to new states that we'll call |a0⟩ and |a1⟩ ,
Our entangled state is then
We can similarly apply a unitary to the second qubit.
which gives us the state
Due to the Schmidt decomposition, it is possible to express any pure state of two qubits in the form above. This means that any pure state of two qubits, including the one you want, can be created by this procedure. You just need to find the right rotation around the x axis, and the right unitariesU and V .
To find these, you first need to get the reduced density matrix for each of your two qubits. The eigenstates for the density matrix of your first qubit will be your|a0⟩ and |a1⟩ . The eigenstates for the second qubit will be |b0⟩ and |b1⟩ . You'll also find that |a0⟩ and |b0⟩ will have the same eigenvalue, which is α2 . The coefficient β can be similarly derived from the eigenvalues of |a1⟩ and |b1⟩ .
Here is how you might go about designing such a circuit.
Suppose that you would like to produce the state |ψ⟩=13√(|00⟩+|01⟩+|10⟩) . Note the normalisation of 1/3–√ , which is necessary for |ψ⟩ to be a unit vector.
If we want to consider a straightforward way to realise this state, we might want to think in terms of the first qubit being a control, which determines whether the second qubit should be in the state|+⟩=12√(|0⟩+|1⟩) , or in the state |0⟩ , by using some conditional operations. This motivates considering the decomposition
Which specific operations you would apply to realise these transformations — i.e. which single-qubit transformation would be most suitable for step 2, and how you might decompose the two-qubit unitary in step 3 into CNOTs and Pauli rotations — is a simple exercise. (Hint: use the fact that bothX and the Hadamard are self-inverse to find as simple a decomposition as possible in step 3.)
Here is an implementation of a circuit producing state|ψ⟩=13√(|00⟩+|01⟩+|10⟩) on IBM Q:
Note thatθ=1.2310 for Ry on q0 . θ=π4 and θ=−π4 for first and second Ry on q1 .
TheRy on q0 prepares qubit in superposition |q0⟩=23−−√|0⟩+13√|1⟩ . Ry gates on q1 and CNOT implements controlled Hadamard gate. When q0 is in state |0⟩ the Hadamard acts on q1 thanks to negation X . This happens with probability 23 . Since Hadamard turns |0⟩ to |+⟩ , i.e. equally distributed superposition, final states |00⟩ and |01⟩ can be measured with probability 13 . When q0 is in state |1⟩ , controled Hadamard does not act and state |10⟩ is measured. Since q0 is in state |1⟩ with probability 13 , |10⟩ is measured also with probability 13 .