Hitung Tabel Partisi Oracle

#Run this to generate a set of selects for each partition

SELECT 'SELECT ' || chr(39) || partition_Name || chr(39) || ', count(*) 
        FROM ' ||table_name ||' partition (' || partition_name || 
        ') UNION ALL ' as test 
FROM all_tab_partitions 
WHERE table_Name = 'Table_1';
#Results in something like:

SELECT 'P1', count(*) FROM Table_1 partition (P1) UNION ALL 
SELECT 'P2', count(*) FROM Table_1 partition (P2) UNION ALL 
SELECT 'P3', count(*) FROM Table_1 partition (P3) UNION ALL 
SELECT 'P4', count(*) FROM Table_1 partition (P4) UNION ALL 
SELECT 'P5', count(*) FROM Table_1 partition (P5) UNION ALL
#Copy and paste results removing last union all and then run.
Outrageous Okapi