“hapus semua baris dari tabel mysql” Kode Jawaban

hapus semua baris dari tabel mysql

-- Quick, no possible rollback
-- With rollback
DELETE FROM my_table;

Hapus semua catatan dari tabel mysql

/* Will delete all rows from your table. Next insert will take next auto increment id. */
DELETE from tableName;
/* Will delete all rows from your table but it will start from new row with 1. */
TRUNCATE tableName;

hapus semua konten di tabel mysql

TRUNCATE tablename
Healthy Hippopotamus

Hapus Catatan MySQL Query

DELETE FROM table_name WHERE condition;
In this statement: First, specify the table from which you delete data.
Second, use a condition to specify which rows to delete in the WHERE clause.

for example:
DELETE FROM customers WHERE id = 1;
Delightful Dogfish

Hapus semua catatan dari tabel

DELETE FROM table_name;
Spotless Sandpiper

Prosedur tersimpan untuk menghapus data dari tabel di MySQL

mysql> DELIMITER // ;
mysql> Create Procedure Delete_studentinfo ( IN p_id INT)
    -> BEGIN
    -> DELETE FROM student_info
    -> WHERE ID=p_id;
    -> END //
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.11 sec)

mysql> DELIMITER ; //
Clear Chamois

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