“Regex untuk nomor telepon Iran” Kode Jawaban

Regex untuk nomor telepon Iran

	var_dump(preg_match("/^(0)?9\d{9}$/", "09159065674"));
Amin Arjmand

Ekspresi reguler untuk mendeteksi nomor ponsel Iran | Pola Regex Nomor Ponsel IR

--For Use In Pattern HTML Tag
$rexexPattern="(\+98|0|98|0098)?([ ]|-|[()]){0,2}9[0-9]([ ]|-|[()]){0,2}(?:[0-9]([ ]|-|[()]){0,2}){8}";
--For Use In JavaScript
mobileReg = /(\+98|0|98|0098)?([ ]|-|[()]){0,2}9[0-9]([ ]|-|[()]){0,2}(?:[0-9]([ ]|-|[()]){0,2}){8}/ig,
junkReg = /[^\d]/ig,
persinNum = [/۰/gi,/۱/gi,/۲/gi,/۳/gi,/۴/gi,/۵/gi,/۶/gi,/۷/gi,/۸/gi,/۹/gi],
num2en = function (str){
  for(var i=0;i<10;i++){
  return str;
getMobiles = function(str){
  var mobiles = num2en(str+'').match(mobileReg) || [];
    arr[index][0]==='0' || (arr[index]='0'+arr[index]);
  return mobiles;

// test
console.log(getMobiles("jafang 0 91 2 (123) 45-67 jafang or +۹۸ (۹۱۵) ۸۰ ۸۰ ۸۸۸"));

support all option like these
912 123 4567
912 1234 567
912 (123) 4567
9 1 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
9 -1 (2 12))3 45-6 7
and all with +98 or 0
or even persian numbers +۹۸ (۹۱۵) ۸۰ ۸۰ ۸۸۸

and only detect true iranian operator numbers 091x 092x 093x 094x

Amin Arjmand

Regex untuk nomor telepon Iran

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