// via router link
// The RouterLink directive always treats the provided link as a delta to the current URL:
[routerLink]="['./child']" // or
// with route param ../../parent;abc=xyz
[routerLink]="['../../parent', {abc: 'xyz'}]"
// with query param and fragment ../../parent?p1=value1&p2=v2#frag
[routerLink]="['../../parent']" [queryParams]="{p1: 'value', p2: 'v2'}" fragment="frag"
// via router
// The navigate() method requires a starting point (i.e., the relativeTo parameter). If none is provided, the navigation is absolute:
constructor(private router: Router, private route: ActivatedRoute) {}
this.router.navigate(["../../parent"], {relativeTo: this.route});
this.router.navigate(["../sibling"], {relativeTo: this.route});
this.router.navigate(["./child"], {relativeTo: this.route}); // or
this.router.navigate(["child"], {relativeTo: this.route});
// with route param ../../parent;abc=xyz
this.router.navigate(["../../parent", {abc: 'xyz'}], {relativeTo: this.route});
// with query param and fragment ../../parent?p1=value1&p2=v2#frag
this.router.navigate(["../../parent"], {relativeTo: this.route,
queryParams: {p1: 'value', p2: 'v2'}, fragment: 'frag'});
// navigate without updating the URL
this.router.navigate(["../../parent"], {relativeTo: this.route, skipLocationChange: true});
Important Impala