“Ubah izin pengguna Linux” Kode Jawaban

debian berikan izin tulis

sudo chmod -R 757 /var/www

Izin Linux Chmod

The three rightmost digits define permissions for the:
file user, the group, and others. 

#	Permission				rwx	Binary
7	read, write and execute	rwx	111
6	read and write			rw-	110
5	read and execute		r-x	101
4	read only				r--	100
3	write and execute		-wx	011
2	write only				-w-	010
1	execute only			--x	001
0	none					---	000

Ubah izin pengguna Linux

chmod u-rxw  file == remove permission
chmod u+rxw  file == give permission back

chmod +755 file == give permission

r - read
w - write
x - execute 
755 - is binary format 
Hutch Polecat

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