“Python String mengiris” Kode Jawaban

Python String mengiris

my_string = "Hey, This is a sample text"
print(my_string[2:]) #prints y, This is a sample text
print(my_string[2:7]) #prints y, Th excluding the last index
print(my_string[2::2]) #prints y hsi  apetx
print(my_string[::-1]) #reverses the string => txet elpmas a si sihT ,yeH
Worried Wallaby

Python String mengiris

s[x:y:z] , x- left index , y-1 - right index 
z is the number of steps of jumping between 2 chr 
if z>0 :
    direction of jump is right to left(R2L)
    direction of jump is left to right(L2R)
s[:3] means x=0,y=2,z=1
s[3:] means x=3,y=len(s)-1,z=1


//prints dd as left index is 2 right is 5 -> substring is dhdh & 2 means d,skip h,then d
//prints djjj, left index is 0 ,right is len(s)-1 -> substring is djdjcjfd & 
//-2 means start from right side in substring in steps of 2-> d,skip f,then j,skip c,then j & j

cara mengiris string dalam python

b = "Hello, World!"

#Output: orl
Asif Iqbal Paracha

String Python: Pengindeksan dan Siret String

# Мөр нь тэмдэгтүүдийн жагсаалт тул жагсаалтын адил тэмдэглэгээг ашиглан Python мөрүүдийг индексжүүлж болно. 
# Ганц тэмдэгтэд хаалт тэмдэглэгээгээр хандах боломжтой ([индекс]), эсвэл зүсэх ([эхлэл: төгсгөл]) ашиглан дэд мөрт хандах боломжтой. 
# Сөрөг тоогоор индексжүүлэх нь мөрийн төгсгөлөөс эхлэн тооцогдоно.

str = 'yellow'
str[1]     # => 'e'
str[-1]    # => 'w'
str[4:6]   # => 'ow'
str[:4]    # => 'yell'
str[-3:]   # => 'low'
Puzzled Porcupine

Python Iris String

# Python program to demonstrate
# string slicing
# String slicing 
String ='ASTRING'
# Using indexing sequence
# Prints string in reverse 
print("\nReverse String")


#Reverse String
David Cao

Mengiris string dalam python

>>> x = "Follow us on Softhunt.net"
>>> x[0:6]
>>> x[-18:-4]
'us on Softhunt'
Outrageous Ostrich

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