“Python Hapus Whitespace dari awal string” Kode Jawaban

Hapus semua whitespace dari string python

import re
s = '\n \t this is a string   with a lot of whitespace\t'
s = re.sub('\s+', '', s)
Helpful Hippopotamus

python hapus spasi putih

sentence = ' hello  apple'
>>> 'hello  apple'
Proud Polecat

Python Hapus Whitespace dari awal string

'     hello world!    '.strip()
'hello world!'

'     hello world!    '.lstrip()
'hello world!    '

'     hello world!    '.rstrip()
'    hello world!'
Breakable Buffalo

Python Trim Whitespace dari ujung string

>>> "    xyz     ".rstrip()
'    xyz'
Embarrassed Earthworm

string python hapus whitespace

' sss d ssd s'.replace(" ", "")
# output: 'sssdssds' 
David Diamant

Strip Whitespace Python

>>> s.strip()
'Hello  World   From Pankaj \t\n\r\tHi There'
Unusual Unicorn

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