Algoritma penggantian jam Python

# Hussain Abbas | Iraq | University Of Baghdad | Social Media : hussain7abbas
class ClockReplacement():

    def __init__(self, procs:list, noOfWindows:int):
        self.procs = procs
        self.noOfWindows = noOfWindows
        self.procsWindow = [' ']*noOfWindows
        self.signsWindow = [False]*noOfWindows # Used Bits = 0
        self.pointer = 0
        self.pageFault = 0

    def getFullResults(self):
        self.pageFault = 0
        for proc in self.procs:
            status = ''

            if proc in self.procsWindow: # if proc exist in current window then:
                self.signsWindow[self.procsWindow.index(proc)] = True # current proc used bit = 1
                status = '2nd_chance'
                if not ' ' in self.procsWindow:
                    status = 'page_fault'
                    self.pageFault += 1
                while(self.signsWindow[self.pointer] == True): # while pointer used bit = 1 then
                    self.signsWindow[self.pointer] = False # pointer used bit = 0
                    self.pointer = self.pointer + 1 if self.pointer < self.noOfWindows-1 else 0 # pointer = next position
                # Now the pointer is points to a proc that has used bit = 0
                self.procsWindow[self.pointer] = proc # current pointer's proc = the new proc added
                self.signsWindow[self.pointer] = True # current pointer used bit = 1
                self.pointer = self.pointer + 1 if self.pointer < self.noOfWindows-1 else 0 # pointer = next position
            self.printWindow(proc, status) # out window as a row in terminal (eventually will make table)
    def printWindow(self, proc, status):
        outWindow = self.procsWindow.copy()

        # Add 'used bit' sign = *
        for i in range(len(self.procsWindow)):
            if (self.signsWindow[i] == True):
                outWindow[i] = '   {}*   '.format(str(self.procsWindow[i]))
                outWindow[i] = '   {}    '.format(str(self.procsWindow[i]))

        # Add pointer sign
        if self.signsWindow[self.pointer] == True:
            outWindow[self.pointer] = '>> {}* <<'.format(self.procsWindow[self.pointer])
            outWindow[self.pointer] = '>> {}  <<'.format(self.procsWindow[self.pointer])

        # Make nice looking row in terminal
        print('proc {}'.format(proc), end=' = Window | ')
        print(*outWindow, end=' | ', sep=' | ')
        if status == '2nd_chance':
            print('2\'nd Chance')
        elif status == 'page_fault':
            print('Page Fault No.:', self.pageFault)

clock_list1 = ClockReplacement([2,4,3,1,5,1,6,2,4,5,3,1], 4)
Hussain Abbas