“php .com” Kode Jawaban

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<p>This is going to be ignored by PHP and displayed by the browser.</p>
<?php echo 'While this is going to be parsed.'; ?>
<p>This will also be ignored by PHP and displayed by the browser.</p>

php .com

$a = 1; /* global scope */ 

function test()
    echo $a; /* reference to local scope variable */ 


php .com

Regarding earlier note by @purkrt :

> I would like to stress out that the opening tag is "<?php[whitespace]", not just "<?php"

This is absolutely correct, but the wording may confuse some developers less familiar with the extent of the term "[whitespace]".

Whitespace, in this context, would be any character that generated vertical or horizontal space, including tabs ( \t ), newlines ( \n ), and carriage returns ( \r ), as well as a space character ( \s ). So reusing purkrt's example:

<?php/*blah*/ echo "a"?> 

would not work, as mentioned, but :

<?php /*php followed by space*/ echo "a"?>

will work, as well as :

/*php followed by end-of-line*/ echo "a"?>

and :

<?php    /*php followed by tab*/ echo "a"?>

I just wanted to clarify this to prevent anyone from misreading purkrt's note to mean that a the opening tag --even when being on its own line--required a space ( \s ) character. The following would work but is not at all necessary or how the earlier comment should be interpreted :

/*php followed by a space and end-of-line*/ echo "a"?>

The end-of-line character is whitespace, so it is all that you would need.

php .com

$foo = "1";  // $foo is string (ASCII 49)
$foo *= 2;   // $foo is now an integer (2)
$foo = $foo * 1.3;  // $foo is now a float (2.6)
$foo = 5 * "10 Little Piggies"; // $foo is integer (50)
$foo = 5 * "10 Small Pigs";     // $foo is integer (50)

php .com

"<script language="php"> </script>, are always available." since PHP 7.0.0 is no longer true. These are removed along the ASP "<%, %>, <%=" tags.

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class SimpleClass
    // property declaration
    public $var = 'a default value';

    // method declaration
    public function displayVar() {
        echo $this->var;

php .com

One aspect of PHP that you need to be careful of, is that ?> will drop you out of PHP code and into HTML even if it appears inside a // comment. (This does not apply to /* */ comments.) This can lead to unexpected results. For example, take this line:

  $file_contents  = '<?php die(); ?>' . "\n";

If you try to remove it by turning it into a comment, you get this:

//  $file_contents  = '<?php die(); ?>' . "\n";

Which results in ' . "\n"; (and whatever is in the lines following it) to be output to your HTML page.

The cure is to either comment it out using /* */ tags, or re-write the line as:

  $file_contents  = '<' . '?php die(); ?' . '>' . "\n";


php .com

it's perhaps not obvious to some, but the following code will cause a parse error! the ?> in //?> is not treated as commented text, this is a result of having to handle code on one line such as <?php echo 'something'; //comment ?>


i discovered this "anomally" when i commented out a line of code containing a regex which itself contained ?>, with the // style comment.
e.g. //preg_match('/^(?>c|b)at$/', 'cat', $matches);
will cause an error while commented! using /**/ style comments provides a solution. i don't know about # style comments, i don't ever personally use them.

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Comments in PHP can be used for several purposes, a very interesting one being that you can generate API documentation directly from them by using PHPDocumentor (http://www.phpdoc.org/).

Therefor one has to use a JavaDoc-like comment syntax (conforms to the DocBook DTD), example:
* The second * here opens the DocBook commentblock, which could later on<br>
* in your development cycle save you a lot of time by preventing you having to rewrite<br>
* major documentation parts to generate some usable form of documentation.
Some basic html-like formatting is supported with this (ie <br> tags) to create something of a layout.

php .com

$foo = 'Bob';              // Assign the value 'Bob' to $foo
$bar = &$foo;              // Reference $foo via $bar.
$bar = "My name is $bar";  // Alter $bar...
echo $bar;
echo $foo;                 // $foo is altered too.

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