Saya perlu menjalankan sejumlah besar pernyataan SQL (membuat banyak tabel, tampilan, dan prosedur tersimpan) dari dalam program C #.
Pernyataan ini perlu dipisahkan dengan GO
pernyataan, tetapi SqlCommand.ExecuteNonQuery()
tidak seperti GO
pernyataan. Solusi saya, yang saya kira akan saya posting untuk referensi, adalah membagi string SQL pada GO
baris, dan menjalankan setiap batch secara terpisah.
Apakah ada cara yang lebih mudah / lebih baik?
objek, Anda hanya perlu meminta koneksi dengan transaksi ambient saat ini. Periksa jawaban saya di sini:
) untuk melihat hasilnya di aplikasi C # atau menyimpan hasilnya dalamtxt
file, hanya untuk mengetahui apakah skrip berhasil dieksekusi, karena baru-baru ini menggunakansqlcmd
ketika saya mengeksekusi file skrip 150 mb pada host jarak jauh, setelah 55 menit beberapa baris dilakukan dengan kesalahan iniTCP Provider: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host.
,,communication link failure
. , tidak ada baris yang terpengaruh yang dapat diketahui, tetapi saya khawatir tentang pesan kesalahan saat menjalankan file skrip yang dihasilkan database.Inilah yang saya ketuk untuk menyelesaikan masalah langsung saya.
private void ExecuteBatchNonQuery(string sql, SqlConnection conn) { string sqlBatch = string.Empty; SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(string.Empty, conn); conn.Open(); sql += "\nGO"; // make sure last batch is executed. try { foreach (string line in sql.Split(new string[2] { "\n", "\r" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)) { if (line.ToUpperInvariant().Trim() == "GO") { cmd.CommandText = sqlBatch; cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); sqlBatch = string.Empty; } else { sqlBatch += line + "\n"; } } } finally { conn.Close(); } }
Ini membutuhkan perintah GO untuk berada di barisnya sendiri, dan tidak akan mendeteksi blok-komentar, jadi hal semacam ini akan terpecah, dan menyebabkan kesalahan:
ExecuteBatchNonQuery(@" /* GO */", conn);
string sql
- itulah seluruh skrip. Ketika saya merujuk ke "batch", maksud saya sepotong kode SQL antara dua pernyataan "GO". Kode menambahkan aGO
di akhir skrip sehingga kode di dalamforeach
tidak akan melewatkan batch terakhir jika Anda tidak mengakhiri skrip denganGO
. Jadi kode seperti yang tertulis akan mengeksekusi semua SQL.StringBuilder sqlBatch
.Anda dapat menggunakan Objek Manajemen SQL untuk melakukan ini. Ini adalah objek yang sama yang digunakan Management Studio untuk mengeksekusi kueri. Saya yakin
akan melakukan apa yang Anda butuhkan.sumber
Kata kunci pemisah batch "GO" sebenarnya digunakan oleh SQL Management Studio itu sendiri, sehingga ia tahu di mana harus menghentikan batch yang dikirim ke server, dan tidak diteruskan ke server SQL. Anda bahkan dapat mengubah kata kunci di Studio Manajemen, jika Anda menginginkannya.
Saya melihat ini beberapa kali di akhir memutuskan dengan penerapan EF Sedikit dimodifikasi untuk
public static void ExecuteSqlScript(this SqlConnection sqlConnection, string sqlBatch) { // Handle backslash utility statement (see sqlBatch = Regex.Replace(sqlBatch, @"\\(\r\n|\r|\n)", string.Empty); // Handle batch splitting utility statement (see var batches = Regex.Split( sqlBatch, string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, @"^\s*({0}[ \t]+[0-9]+|{0})(?:\s+|$)", BatchTerminator), RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Multiline); for (int i = 0; i < batches.Length; ++i) { // Skip batches that merely contain the batch terminator if (batches[i].StartsWith(BatchTerminator, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) || (i == batches.Length - 1 && string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(batches[i]))) { continue; } // Include batch terminator if the next element is a batch terminator if (batches.Length > i + 1 && batches[i + 1].StartsWith(BatchTerminator, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { int repeatCount = 1; // Handle count parameter on the batch splitting utility statement if (!string.Equals(batches[i + 1], BatchTerminator, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { repeatCount = int.Parse(Regex.Match(batches[i + 1], @"([0-9]+)").Value, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } for (int j = 0; j < repeatCount; ++j) { var command = sqlConnection.CreateCommand(); command.CommandText = batches[i]; command.ExecuteNonQuery(); } } else { var command = sqlConnection.CreateCommand(); command.CommandText = batches[i]; command.ExecuteNonQuery(); } } }
Jika Anda tidak ingin menginstal objek SMO Anda dapat menggunakan alat gplex (lihat jawaban ini )
Berdasarkan solusi Blorgbeard.
foreach (var sqlBatch in commandText.Split(new[] { "GO" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)) { sqlCommand.CommandText = sqlBatch; sqlCommand.ExecuteNonQuery(); }
Jika Anda tidak ingin menggunakan SMO, misalnya karena Anda harus lintas platform, Anda juga dapat menggunakan kelas ScriptSplitter dari SubTeks.
Berikut implementasinya di C # & VB.NET
string strSQL = @" SELECT * FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.columns GO SELECT * FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.views "; foreach(string Script in new Subtext.Scripting.ScriptSplitter(strSQL )) { Console.WriteLine(Script); }
Jika Anda memiliki masalah dengan komentar gaya-c multiline, hapus komentar dengan regex:
static string RemoveCstyleComments(string strInput) { string strPattern = @"/[*][\w\d\s]+[*]/"; //strPattern = @"/\*.*?\*/"; // Doesn't work //strPattern = "/\\*.*?\\*/"; // Doesn't work //strPattern = @"/\*([^*]|[\r\n]|(\*+([^*/]|[\r\n])))*\*+/ "; // Doesn't work //strPattern = @"/\*([^*]|[\r\n]|(\*+([^*/]|[\r\n])))*\*+/ "; // Doesn't work // strPattern = @"/\*(?>(?:(?>[^*]+)|\*(?!/))*)\*/"; // Works ! string strOutput = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Replace(strInput, strPattern, string.Empty, System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions.Multiline); Console.WriteLine(strOutput); return strOutput; } // End Function RemoveCstyleComments
Menghapus komentar satu baris ada di sini:
/* Go */
kasus?Saya juga menghadapi masalah yang sama, dan saya tidak dapat menemukan cara lain selain memisahkan operasi SQL tunggal dalam file terpisah, kemudian menjalankan semuanya secara berurutan.
Jelas masalahnya bukan pada daftar perintah DML, mereka bisa dijalankan tanpa GO di antaranya; berbeda cerita dengan DDL (buat, ubah, jatuhkan ...)
Jika Anda tidak ingin pergi ke rute SMO Anda dapat mencari dan mengganti "GO" untuk ";" dan kueri seperti yang Anda inginkan. Perhatikan bahwa hanya set hasil terakhir akan dikembalikan.
Saya menyelesaikannya hari ini dengan memuat SQL saya dari file teks ke dalam satu string. Saya kemudian menggunakan fungsi Split string untuk memisahkan string menjadi perintah individu yang kemudian dikirim ke server secara individual. Sederhana :)
Baru saja menyadari bahwa Anda perlu berpisah \ nGO kalau-kalau huruf GO muncul di salah satu nama tabel Anda, dll. Sepertinya saya beruntung di sana!
Jika Anda tidak ingin menggunakan SMO (yang lebih baik daripada solusi di bawah ini, tetapi saya ingin memberikan alternatif ...) Anda dapat membagi kueri Anda dengan fungsi ini.
Bukti string (contoh cetak 'no go')
private List<string> SplitScriptGo(string script) { var result = new List<string>(); int pos1 = 0; int pos2 = 0; bool whiteSpace = true; bool emptyLine = true; bool inStr = false; bool inComment1 = false; bool inComment2 = false; while (true) { while (pos2 < script.Length && Char.IsWhiteSpace(script[pos2])) { if (script[pos2] == '\r' || script[pos2] == '\n') { emptyLine = true; inComment1 = false; } pos2++; } if (pos2 == script.Length) break; bool min2 = (pos2 + 1) < script.Length; bool min3 = (pos2 + 2) < script.Length; if (!inStr && !inComment2 && min2 && script.Substring(pos2, 2) == "--") inComment1 = true; if (!inStr && !inComment1 && min2 && script.Substring(pos2, 2) == "/*") inComment2 = true; if (!inComment1 && !inComment2 && script[pos2] == '\'') inStr = !inStr; if (!inStr && !inComment1 && !inComment2 && emptyLine && (min2 && script.Substring(pos2, 2).ToLower() == "go") && (!min3 || char.IsWhiteSpace(script[pos2 + 2]) || script.Substring(pos2 + 2, 2) == "--" || script.Substring(pos2 + 2, 2) == "/*")) { if (!whiteSpace) result.Add(script.Substring(pos1, pos2 - pos1)); whiteSpace = true; emptyLine = false; pos2 += 2; pos1 = pos2; } else { pos2++; whiteSpace = false; if (!inComment2) emptyLine = false; } if (!inStr && inComment2 && pos2 > 1 && script.Substring(pos2 - 2, 2) == "*/") inComment2 = false; } if (!whiteSpace) result.Add(script.Substring(pos1)); return result; }
gunakan metode berikut untuk memisahkan string dan menjalankan batch demi batch
using System; using System.IO; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; namespace RegExTrial { class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { string sql = String.Empty; string path=@"D:\temp\sample.sql"; using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(path)) { sql = reader.ReadToEnd(); } //Select any GO (ignore case) that starts with at least //one white space such as tab, space,new line, verticle tab etc string pattern="[\\s](?i)GO(?-i)"; Regex matcher = new Regex(pattern, RegexOptions.Compiled); int start = 0; int end = 0; Match batch=matcher.Match(sql); while (batch.Success) { end = batch.Index; string batchQuery = sql.Substring(start, end - start).Trim(); //execute the batch ExecuteBatch(batchQuery); start = end + batch.Length; batch = matcher.Match(sql,start); } } private static void ExecuteBatch(string command) { //execute your query here } } }
Untuk menghindari pihak ketiga, regex, overhead memori, dan kerja cepat dengan skrip besar, saya membuat parser berbasis aliran saya sendiri. Itu
dapat mengenali komentar dengan - atau / ** /
-- some commented text /* drop table Users; GO */
dapat mengenali string literal dengan 'atau "
set @s = 'create table foo(...); GO create index ...';
dan konstruksi lain seperti
gO -- commented text
Cara Penggunaan
try { using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection("Integrated Security=SSPI;Persist Security Info=True;Initial Catalog=DATABASE-NAME;Data Source=SERVER-NAME")) { connection.Open(); int rowsAffected = SqlStatementReader.ExecuteSqlFile( "C:\\target-sql-script.sql", connection, // Don't forget to use the correct file encoding!!! Encoding.Default, // Indefinitely (sec) 0 ); } } // implement your handlers catch (SqlStatementReader.SqlBadSyntaxException) { } catch (SqlException) { } catch (Exception) { }
Pembaca skrip SQL berbasis aliran
class SqlStatementReader { public class SqlBadSyntaxException : Exception { public SqlBadSyntaxException(string description) : base(description) { } public SqlBadSyntaxException(string description, int line) : base(OnBase(description, line, null)) { } public SqlBadSyntaxException(string description, int line, string filePath) : base(OnBase(description, line, filePath)) { } private static string OnBase(string description, int line, string filePath) { if (filePath == null) return string.Format("Line: {0}. {1}", line, description); else return string.Format("File: {0}\r\nLine: {1}. {2}", filePath, line, description); } } enum SqlScriptChunkTypes { InstructionOrUnquotedIdentifier = 0, BracketIdentifier = 1, QuotIdentifierOrLiteral = 2, DblQuotIdentifierOrLiteral = 3, CommentLine = 4, CommentMultiline = 5, } StreamReader _sr = null; string _filePath = null; int _lineStart = 1; int _lineEnd = 1; bool _isNextChar = false; char _nextChar = '\0'; public SqlStatementReader(StreamReader sr) { if (sr == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("StreamReader can't be null."); if (sr.BaseStream is FileStream) _filePath = ((FileStream)sr.BaseStream).Name; _sr = sr; } public SqlStatementReader(StreamReader sr, string filePath) { if (sr == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("StreamReader can't be null."); _sr = sr; _filePath = filePath; } public int LineStart { get { return _lineStart; } } public int LineEnd { get { return _lineEnd == 1 ? _lineEnd : _lineEnd - 1; } } public void LightSyntaxCheck() { while (ReadStatementInternal(true) != null) ; } public string ReadStatement() { for (string s = ReadStatementInternal(false); s != null; s = ReadStatementInternal(false)) { // skip empty for (int i = 0; i < s.Length; i++) { switch (s[i]) { case ' ': continue; case '\t': continue; case '\r': continue; case '\n': continue; default: return s; } } } return null; } string ReadStatementInternal(bool syntaxCheck) { if (_isNextChar == false && _sr.EndOfStream) return null; StringBuilder allLines = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder line = new StringBuilder(); SqlScriptChunkTypes nextChunk = SqlScriptChunkTypes.InstructionOrUnquotedIdentifier; SqlScriptChunkTypes currentChunk = SqlScriptChunkTypes.InstructionOrUnquotedIdentifier; char ch = '\0'; int lineCounter = 0; int nextLine = 0; int currentLine = 0; bool nextCharHandled = false; bool foundGO; int go = 1; while (ReadChar(out ch)) { if (nextCharHandled == false) { currentChunk = nextChunk; currentLine = nextLine; switch (currentChunk) { case SqlScriptChunkTypes.InstructionOrUnquotedIdentifier: if (ch == '[') { currentChunk = nextChunk = SqlScriptChunkTypes.BracketIdentifier; currentLine = nextLine = lineCounter; } else if (ch == '"') { currentChunk = nextChunk = SqlScriptChunkTypes.DblQuotIdentifierOrLiteral; currentLine = nextLine = lineCounter; } else if (ch == '\'') { currentChunk = nextChunk = SqlScriptChunkTypes.QuotIdentifierOrLiteral; currentLine = nextLine = lineCounter; } else if (ch == '-' && (_isNextChar && _nextChar == '-')) { nextCharHandled = true; currentChunk = nextChunk = SqlScriptChunkTypes.CommentLine; currentLine = nextLine = lineCounter; } else if (ch == '/' && (_isNextChar && _nextChar == '*')) { nextCharHandled = true; currentChunk = nextChunk = SqlScriptChunkTypes.CommentMultiline; currentLine = nextLine = lineCounter; } else if (ch == ']') { throw new SqlBadSyntaxException("Incorrect syntax near ']'.", _lineEnd + lineCounter, _filePath); } else if (ch == '*' && (_isNextChar && _nextChar == '/')) { throw new SqlBadSyntaxException("Incorrect syntax near '*'.", _lineEnd + lineCounter, _filePath); } break; case SqlScriptChunkTypes.CommentLine: if (ch == '\r' && (_isNextChar && _nextChar == '\n')) { nextCharHandled = true; currentChunk = nextChunk = SqlScriptChunkTypes.InstructionOrUnquotedIdentifier; currentLine = nextLine = lineCounter; } else if (ch == '\n' || ch == '\r') { currentChunk = nextChunk = SqlScriptChunkTypes.InstructionOrUnquotedIdentifier; currentLine = nextLine = lineCounter; } break; case SqlScriptChunkTypes.CommentMultiline: if (ch == '*' && (_isNextChar && _nextChar == '/')) { nextCharHandled = true; nextChunk = SqlScriptChunkTypes.InstructionOrUnquotedIdentifier; nextLine = lineCounter; } else if (ch == '/' && (_isNextChar && _nextChar == '*')) { throw new SqlBadSyntaxException("Missing end comment mark '*/'.", _lineEnd + currentLine, _filePath); } break; case SqlScriptChunkTypes.BracketIdentifier: if (ch == ']') { nextChunk = SqlScriptChunkTypes.InstructionOrUnquotedIdentifier; nextLine = lineCounter; } break; case SqlScriptChunkTypes.DblQuotIdentifierOrLiteral: if (ch == '"') { if (_isNextChar && _nextChar == '"') { nextCharHandled = true; } else { nextChunk = SqlScriptChunkTypes.InstructionOrUnquotedIdentifier; nextLine = lineCounter; } } break; case SqlScriptChunkTypes.QuotIdentifierOrLiteral: if (ch == '\'') { if (_isNextChar && _nextChar == '\'') { nextCharHandled = true; } else { nextChunk = SqlScriptChunkTypes.InstructionOrUnquotedIdentifier; nextLine = lineCounter; } } break; } } else nextCharHandled = false; foundGO = false; if (currentChunk == SqlScriptChunkTypes.InstructionOrUnquotedIdentifier || go >= 5 || (go == 4 && currentChunk == SqlScriptChunkTypes.CommentLine)) { // go = 0 - break, 1 - begin of the string, 2 - spaces after begin of the string, 3 - G or g, 4 - O or o, 5 - spaces after GO, 6 - line comment after valid GO switch (go) { case 0: if (ch == '\r' || ch == '\n') go = 1; break; case 1: if (ch == ' ' || ch == '\t') go = 2; else if (ch == 'G' || ch == 'g') go = 3; else if (ch != '\n' && ch != '\r') go = 0; break; case 2: if (ch == 'G' || ch == 'g') go = 3; else if (ch == '\n' || ch == '\r') go = 1; else if (ch != ' ' && ch != '\t') go = 0; break; case 3: if (ch == 'O' || ch == 'o') go = 4; else if (ch == '\n' || ch == '\r') go = 1; else go = 0; break; case 4: if (ch == '\r' && (_isNextChar && _nextChar == '\n')) go = 5; else if (ch == '\n' || ch == '\r') foundGO = true; else if (ch == ' ' || ch == '\t') go = 5; else if (ch == '-' && (_isNextChar && _nextChar == '-')) go = 6; else go = 0; break; case 5: if (ch == '\r' && (_isNextChar && _nextChar == '\n')) go = 5; else if (ch == '\n' || ch == '\r') foundGO = true; else if (ch == '-' && (_isNextChar && _nextChar == '-')) go = 6; else if (ch != ' ' && ch != '\t') throw new SqlBadSyntaxException("Incorrect syntax was encountered while parsing go.", _lineEnd + lineCounter, _filePath); break; case 6: if (ch == '\r' && (_isNextChar && _nextChar == '\n')) go = 6; else if (ch == '\n' || ch == '\r') foundGO = true; break; default: go = 0; break; } } else go = 0; if (foundGO) { if (ch == '\r' || ch == '\n') { ++lineCounter; } // clear GO string s = line.Append(ch).ToString(); for (int i = 0; i < s.Length; i++) { switch (s[i]) { case ' ': continue; case '\t': continue; case '\r': continue; case '\n': continue; default: _lineStart = _lineEnd; _lineEnd += lineCounter; return allLines.Append(s.Substring(0, i)).ToString(); } } return string.Empty; } // accumulate by string if (ch == '\r' && (_isNextChar == false || _nextChar != '\n')) { ++lineCounter; if (syntaxCheck == false) allLines.Append(line.Append('\r').ToString()); line.Clear(); } else if (ch == '\n') { ++lineCounter; if (syntaxCheck == false) allLines.Append(line.Append('\n').ToString()); line.Clear(); } else { if (syntaxCheck == false) line.Append(ch); } } // this is the end of the stream, return it without GO, if GO exists switch (currentChunk) { case SqlScriptChunkTypes.InstructionOrUnquotedIdentifier: case SqlScriptChunkTypes.CommentLine: break; case SqlScriptChunkTypes.CommentMultiline: if (nextChunk != SqlScriptChunkTypes.InstructionOrUnquotedIdentifier) throw new SqlBadSyntaxException("Missing end comment mark '*/'.", _lineEnd + currentLine, _filePath); break; case SqlScriptChunkTypes.BracketIdentifier: if (nextChunk != SqlScriptChunkTypes.InstructionOrUnquotedIdentifier) throw new SqlBadSyntaxException("Unclosed quotation mark [.", _lineEnd + currentLine, _filePath); break; case SqlScriptChunkTypes.DblQuotIdentifierOrLiteral: if (nextChunk != SqlScriptChunkTypes.InstructionOrUnquotedIdentifier) throw new SqlBadSyntaxException("Unclosed quotation mark \".", _lineEnd + currentLine, _filePath); break; case SqlScriptChunkTypes.QuotIdentifierOrLiteral: if (nextChunk != SqlScriptChunkTypes.InstructionOrUnquotedIdentifier) throw new SqlBadSyntaxException("Unclosed quotation mark '.", _lineEnd + currentLine, _filePath); break; } if (go >= 4) { string s = line.ToString(); for (int i = 0; i < s.Length; i++) { switch (s[i]) { case ' ': continue; case '\t': continue; case '\r': continue; case '\n': continue; default: _lineStart = _lineEnd; _lineEnd += lineCounter + 1; return allLines.Append(s.Substring(0, i)).ToString(); } } } _lineStart = _lineEnd; _lineEnd += lineCounter + 1; return allLines.Append(line.ToString()).ToString(); } bool ReadChar(out char ch) { if (_isNextChar) { ch = _nextChar; if (_sr.EndOfStream) _isNextChar = false; else _nextChar = Convert.ToChar(_sr.Read()); return true; } else if (_sr.EndOfStream == false) { ch = Convert.ToChar(_sr.Read()); if (_sr.EndOfStream == false) { _isNextChar = true; _nextChar = Convert.ToChar(_sr.Read()); } return true; } else { ch = '\0'; return false; } } public static int ExecuteSqlFile(string filePath, SqlConnection connection, Encoding fileEncoding, int commandTimeout) { int rowsAffected = 0; using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(filePath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read)) { // Simple syntax check (you can comment out these two lines below) new SqlStatementReader(new StreamReader(fs, fileEncoding)).LightSyntaxCheck(); fs.Seek(0L, SeekOrigin.Begin); // Read statements without GO SqlStatementReader rd = new SqlStatementReader(new StreamReader(fs, fileEncoding)); string stmt; while ((stmt = rd.ReadStatement()) != null) { using (SqlCommand cmd = connection.CreateCommand()) { cmd.CommandText = stmt; cmd.CommandTimeout = commandTimeout; int i = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); if (i > 0) rowsAffected += i; } } } return rowsAffected; } }
Saya memiliki masalah yang sama di java dan saya menyelesaikannya dengan sedikit logika dan regex. Saya yakin logika yang sama dapat diterapkan. Pertama saya membaca dari file slq ke dalam memori. Kemudian saya menerapkan logika berikut. Ini cukup banyak apa yang telah dikatakan sebelumnya namun saya percaya bahwa menggunakan ikatan kata regex lebih aman daripada mengharapkan karakter baris baru.
String pattern = "\\bGO\\b|\\bgo\\b"; String[] splitedSql = sql.split(pattern); for (String chunk : splitedSql) { getJdbcTemplate().update(chunk); }
Ini pada dasarnya membagi string sql menjadi array string sql. Regex pada dasarnya untuk mendeteksi kata-kata 'go' lengkap baik huruf kecil atau besar. Kemudian Anda menjalankan kueri yang berbeda secara berurutan.
insert into books values ('1478355824', 'An Introduction To Programming in Go (paperback)', 9.00)
Saya mengalami masalah yang sama ini dan akhirnya menyelesaikannya dengan mengganti string sederhana, mengganti kata GO dengan titik koma (;)
Semua tampaknya berfungsi dengan baik saat menjalankan skrip dengan komentar sebaris, blokir komentar, dan perintah GO
public static bool ExecuteExternalScript(string filePath) { using (StreamReader file = new StreamReader(filePath)) using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(dbConnStr)) { StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder(); string line; while ((line = file.ReadLine()) != null) { // replace GO with semi-colon if (line == "GO") sql.Append(";"); // remove inline comments else if (line.IndexOf("--") > -1) sql.AppendFormat(" {0} ", line.Split(new string[] { "--" }, StringSplitOptions.None)[0]); // just the line as it is else sql.AppendFormat(" {0} ", line); } conn.Open(); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(sql.ToString(), conn); cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); } return true; }
, misalnya.Bagi siapa saja yang masih mengalami masalah. Anda dapat menggunakan Microsoft SMO resmi
using (var connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString)) { var server = new Server(new ServerConnection(connection)); server.ConnectionContext.ExecuteNonQuery(sql); }
Terlalu sulit :)
Buat larik string str [] menggantikan GO dengan ", @":
string[] str ={ @" USE master; ",@" CREATE DATABASE " +con_str_initdir+ @"; ",@" -- Verify the database files and sizes --SELECT name, size, size*1.0/128 AS [Size in MBs] --SELECT name --FROM sys.master_files --WHERE name = N'" + con_str_initdir + @"'; --GO USE " + con_str_initdir + @"; ",@" SET ANSI_NULLS ON ",@" SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON ",@" IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.objects WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[Customers]') AND type in (N'U')) BEGIN CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Customers]( [CustomerID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL, [CustomerName] [nvarchar](50) NULL, CONSTRAINT [PK_Customers] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ( [CustomerID] ASC )WITH (PAD_INDEX = OFF, IGNORE_DUP_KEY = OFF) ON [PRIMARY] ) ON [PRIMARY] END ",@" SET ANSI_NULLS ON ",@" SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON ",@" IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.objects WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[GOODS]') AND type in (N'U')) BEGIN CREATE TABLE [dbo].[GOODS]( [GoodsID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL, [GoodsName] [nvarchar](50) NOT NULL, [GoodsPrice] [float] NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT [PK_GOODS] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ( [GoodsID] ASC )WITH (PAD_INDEX = OFF, IGNORE_DUP_KEY = OFF) ON [PRIMARY] ) ON [PRIMARY] END ",@" SET ANSI_NULLS ON ",@" SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON ",@" IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.objects WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[Orders]') AND type in (N'U')) BEGIN CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Orders]( [OrderID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL, [CustomerID] [int] NOT NULL, [Date] [smalldatetime] NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT [PK_Orders] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ( [OrderID] ASC )WITH (PAD_INDEX = OFF, IGNORE_DUP_KEY = OFF) ON [PRIMARY] ) ON [PRIMARY] END ",@" SET ANSI_NULLS ON ",@" SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON ",@" IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.objects WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[OrderDetails]') AND type in (N'U')) BEGIN CREATE TABLE [dbo].[OrderDetails]( [OrderID] [int] NOT NULL, [GoodsID] [int] NOT NULL, [Qty] [int] NOT NULL, [Price] [float] NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT [PK_OrderDetails] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ( [OrderID] ASC, [GoodsID] ASC )WITH (PAD_INDEX = OFF, IGNORE_DUP_KEY = OFF) ON [PRIMARY] ) ON [PRIMARY] END ",@" SET ANSI_NULLS ON ",@" SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON ",@" IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.objects WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[InsertCustomers]') AND type in (N'P', N'PC')) BEGIN EXEC dbo.sp_executesql @statement = N'-- ============================================= -- Author: <Author,,Name> -- Create date: <Create Date,,> -- Description: <Description,,> -- ============================================= create PROCEDURE [dbo].[InsertCustomers] @CustomerName nvarchar(50), @Identity int OUT AS INSERT INTO Customers (CustomerName) VALUES(@CustomerName) SET @Identity = SCOPE_IDENTITY() ' END ",@" IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.foreign_keys WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[FK_Orders_Customers]') AND parent_object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[Orders]')) ALTER TABLE [dbo].[Orders] WITH CHECK ADD CONSTRAINT [FK_Orders_Customers] FOREIGN KEY([CustomerID]) REFERENCES [dbo].[Customers] ([CustomerID]) ON UPDATE CASCADE ",@" ALTER TABLE [dbo].[Orders] CHECK CONSTRAINT [FK_Orders_Customers] ",@" IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.foreign_keys WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[FK_OrderDetails_GOODS]') AND parent_object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[OrderDetails]')) ALTER TABLE [dbo].[OrderDetails] WITH CHECK ADD CONSTRAINT [FK_OrderDetails_GOODS] FOREIGN KEY([GoodsID]) REFERENCES [dbo].[GOODS] ([GoodsID]) ON UPDATE CASCADE ",@" ALTER TABLE [dbo].[OrderDetails] CHECK CONSTRAINT [FK_OrderDetails_GOODS] ",@" IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.foreign_keys WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[FK_OrderDetails_Orders]') AND parent_object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[OrderDetails]')) ALTER TABLE [dbo].[OrderDetails] WITH CHECK ADD CONSTRAINT [FK_OrderDetails_Orders] FOREIGN KEY([OrderID]) REFERENCES [dbo].[Orders] ([OrderID]) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE ",@" ALTER TABLE [dbo].[OrderDetails] CHECK CONSTRAINT [FK_OrderDetails_Orders] "}; for(int i =0; i<str.Length;i++) { myCommand.CommandText=str[i]; try { myCommand.ExecuteNonQuery(); } catch (SystemException ee) { MessageBox.Show("Error "+ee.ToString()); } }
Itu saja, selamat menikmati.