Solusi alternatif untuk dcount

Public Function ESQLCount(strField As String, strTable As String, Optional Criteria As Variant) As Variant
    Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset         'To retrieve the value to find.
    Dim varResult As Variant        'Return value for function.
    Dim strSQL As String            'SQL statement.
    Dim lngLen As Long              'Length of string.

    'Initialize to null.
    varResult = Null

    'Encapsulate Domain in brackets if none exist to allow special characters in the Domain string
    If Left$(strTable, 1) <> "[" Then
        strTable = "[" & strTable & "]"
    End If

    'Build the SQL string.
    strSQL = "SELECT COUNT(" & strField & ") AS TotalCount FROM " & strTable
    If Not IsMissing(Criteria) Then
        strSQL = strSQL & " WHERE " & Criteria
    End If
    strSQL = strSQL & ";"

    'Lookup the value.
    OpenMyRecordset rs, strSQL, rrOpenForwardOnly, rrLockReadOnly, True
    varResult = Nz(rs.Fields("TotalCount"), 0)

    'Assign the return value.
    ESQLCount = varResult
    MsgBox "Error " & err.Number & ": " & err.Description, vbCritical, "Unexpected error"
    Resume Next
    Set rs = Nothing

End Function
Braxton Bell