Membuat backup

Create the backup
Open the CLI
type mysql -u root -p and hit ENTER
enter your root password to login into the MySQL Shell
type the MySQL command show databases; and hit ENTER
verify that the Sakila DB is indeed present
| Database                 |
| information_schema       |
| sakila                   |
type the MySQL command exit; and hit ENTER
now, outside the mysql shell type the command mysqldump -u root -p sakila > ~/Desktop/sakila_backup.sql and hit ENTER
type the command ls -al ~/Desktop and hit ENTER 
verify that the file "sakila_backup.sql" exists on your desktop
type the command cat ~/Desktop/sakila_backup.sql and hit ENTER and watch all the data fly by
SUCCESS! We've created the backup. That sakila_backup.sql file contains all the schema information and all the data contained in the Sakila DB.
Scary Salamander