Ganti nol dengan 0 di SQL
SELECT IFNULL(Price, 0) FROM Products;
SELECT COALESCE(Price, 0) FROM Products;
-- Oracle (extra):
SELECT NVL(Price, 0) FROM Products;
SELECT IFNULL(Price, 0) FROM Products;
SELECT COALESCE(Price, 0) FROM Products;
-- Oracle (extra):
SELECT NVL(Price, 0) FROM Products;
--See records where specific column is NULL
SELECT * from table1 WHERE column1 IS NULL
--Update all the NULL values in the selected column
UPDATE table1 SET column1 = replace_value WHERE column1 IS NULL
--See records where specific column is NULL
SELECT * from table1 WHERE column1 ISNULL
--Update all the NULL values in the selected column
UPDATE table1 SET column1 = replace_value WHERE column1 ISNULL