“Panjang susunan soliditas” Kode Jawaban

cara memeriksa panjang array dalam soliditas

// Solidity program to demonstrate 
// Push operation
pragma solidity ^0.5.0;  
// Creating a contract 
contract Types {  
    // Defining the array
    uint[] data = [10, 20, 30, 40, 50]; 
    // Defining the function to push 
    // values to the array
    function array_push(
    ) public returns(uint[] memory,uint256 length){  
        return (data,length);  
Homeless Herring

cara memeriksa panjang array dalam soliditas

// Solidity program to demonstrate 
// Push operation
pragma solidity ^0.5.0;  
// Creating a contract 
contract Types {  
    // Defining the array
    uint[] data = [10, 20, 30, 40, 50]; 
    // Defining the function to push 
    // values to the array
    function array_push(
    ) public returns(uint[] memory){  
        return data;  
Homeless Herring

Panjang susunan soliditas

uint8[3] fixedList;
// fixedList.length => 3

uint8[] dynamicList;
// dynamicList.length => 2
John Appleseed

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