“Python exe ke py” Kode Jawaban

Python ke exe

pip install pyinstaller

cd FullPathOfFile in cmd console
pyinstaller --onefile pythonScriptName.py
# a .exe file is created in the FullPathOfFile\dist
Breakable Butterfly

impor py ke exe

$ pip install auto-py-to-exe
saad du

Kompiler Python ke EXE

put this in a .bat file or just run it in CMD

pyinstaller --onefile file_name.py

Python ke exe

Install pip using
	pip install pyinstaller

in the directory of the source code file run
	pyinstaller <file_name>.py
Weary Walrus

Python exe ke py

Exe (Compiled using pyinstaller) --> Python

1.) Download https://sourceforge.net/projects/pyinstallerextractor/

2.) python pyinstxtractor.py executable.exe

Credits & Source: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/36581073/exe-to-python-with-pyinstaller

cara mengubah .py menjadi .exe melalui naskah pynehn

Install Python 3.6. 
Install cx_Freeze, (open your command prompt and type pip install cx_Freeze. 
Install idna, (open your command prompt and type pip install idna. 
Write a .py program named myfirstprog.py. 
Create a new python file named setup.py on the current directory of your script.
In the setup.py file, copy the code below and save it. 
With shift pressed right click on the same directory, so you are able to open a command prompt window. In the prompt, type python setup.py build If your script is error free, then there will be no problem on creating application. 
Check the newly created folder build. It has another folder in it. 
Within that folder you can find your application. 
Run it. 
Make yourself happy.
Perfect Piranha

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