“Perintah unzip di Ubuntu” Kode Jawaban

File Ubuntu Unzip

// install
sudo apt install zip unzip

// zip
zip -r example.zip original_folder

// unzip
unzip file.zip -d destination_folder
Calm Chinchilla

Perintah unzip di Ubuntu

Zip-unzip utility:
sudo apt-get install zip unzip
navigate to the place where the zip belongs and,
unzip test.zip, where test.zip is the zip file to extract
Worried Wasp

cara menginstal unzip di ubuntu

apt-get install unzip
devops unicorn

Ubuntu unzip zip

unzip file.zip -d destination_folder
Lucky Leopard

Perintah unzip di Linux

sudo apt-get install unzip
Ashamed Addax

Perintah unzip Ubuntu

unzip filezip.zip
Indonesia People

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