Perintah Docker
Docker Commands v2.1 by BVieira
-forked from Basel Rabia
1. `docker ps` # current containers
2. `docker run` # create and start the container
3. `docker create` # create container
4. `dokcer exec` # to run commnads in container for once
5. `docker stop [container ID]` # terminate the container and save it's state by commit it
6. `docker rm [container ID]` # remove container
7. `docker inspect [container ID]` # Get more info about running container
8. `docker images` # list the images
9. `docker push` # push your image to docker repo
10. `docker pull` # download an image from docker repo
11. `docker commit` # create an image from container
12. `docker rmi` # remove image
13. `docker volume` # create a docker volume
14. `docker network` # create a docker network
15. `docker build` # build a new image from dockerfile
16. Clean, stop, reset, purge and remove all traces of Docker in your environment
#Select all commands below and paste on terminal
docker stop $(docker ps -q)
docker rm -f $(docker ps -aq)
docker rmi $(docker images -q)
docker volume rm $(docker volume ls -q)
docker network rm $(docker network ls -q)
docker volume prune
docker system prune -a