“Hapus garis di sed” Kode Jawaban

Sed hapus garis yang mengandung

sed '/pattern to match/d' ./infile
Misty Magpie

Hapus garis yang dimulai dengan sed

# Delete all lines starting with '#'
$ sed -i '/^#/d' filepath
Grotesque Gentoo

Hapus garis di sed

# -i here update the file, try with and without -i, 
sed -i -e '/yourpattern/,$d' file # delete everyhing afer the pattern
sed -i -e "/your_pattern/,+2 d" file  # 2 lines after the pattern
sed -i -e "5,5d" file # remove 5th line
sed '10,$d' pes.com # delete everything after 10th line
sed '7,36!d' tmp.com > tmp_coord # specific lines to a file
sed -i -e '29,36d' pes.com delete specific lines 
Hutch Polecat

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