Bash Symlink semuanya dalam direktori

# Basic syntax:
ln -s /path/to/source/directory/* /path/to/symlink/directory/
# Where:
#	- -s means symlink
#	- The /path/to/source/directory/ is where the "real" files are stored
#	- The /path/to/symlink/directory/ is where the symlinks will be created
#	- Glob patterns can be used to specify which files to link to
# Note, some other useful ln flags include:
#	- -f and -i, -f removes existing symlinks and -i prompts before replacement
#	- -r, which creates symbolic links with paths that are relative to the
#		source directory
#	- to delete all symlinks in the current directory, run:
#		find . -maxdepth 1 -type l -delete
Charles-Alexandre Roy