“Bagaimana mengkloning repo” Kode Jawaban

Git Clone Private Repo

git clone https://strafe:[email protected]/strafe/project.git
Pleasant Panda

GitHub klon ke folder lokal

cd folder/to/clone-into/
git clone https://github.com/your-repo/project-name.git
Cruel Cowfish

Klon Repositori dari baris perintah

git remote add <git/user/repo-name.git>
git branch -M main
git push -u origin main
Green Team

Bagaimana mengkloning repo

root@896cf839cf9a:/# git clone https://{YOUR_PERSONAL_TOKEN}@github.com/{YOUR_USERNAME}/{name of repo you want to clone}.git                 
Cloning into '{name of repo}'...
warning: You appear to have cloned an empty repository.
Chris Nzoka-okoye

Kloning repositori

$ git clone url_of_your_remote_repository   # Clone a repository from a remote repository  
$ git add file1 file2    # will add those two files to the index if they were modified  
$ git commit -m "Meaningful commit message"   # will commit those two files (locally)  
$ git add .   # will add all of the modified files to the index at once  
$ git commit -m "Other meaningful commit message"   # will commit all of those files together  
$ git push origin master   # send all commit to the remote server
Chris Nzoka-okoye

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