“Logback Grails Log dalam file yang berbeda” Kode Jawaban

Logback Grails Log dalam file yang berbeda

  fileNamePattern = "/myApp-log.%d{yyyy-MM}.log"	      //Rollover at the beginning of each month, file format: myApp-log.2016-11.log
  fileNamePattern = "/myApp-log.%d{yyyy-ww}.log"	      //Rollover at the first day of each week. Note that the first day of the week depends on the locale.
  fileNamePattern = "/myApp-log.%d{yyyy-MM-dd_HH}.log"	//Rollover at the top of each hour.
Elegant Elk

Logback Grails Log dalam file yang berbeda

fileNamePattern = "/myApp-log.%d{yyyy/MM}.gz"	      //Rollover at the beginning of each month, compress the rolled-over file with GZIP
Elegant Elk

Logback Grails Log dalam file yang berbeda

fileNamePattern = "/logs/%d{yyyy/MM}/myApp.log"	//Rollover at the beginning of each month.
//Each log file will be stored in a year/month directory, e.g: /logs/2016/11/myApp.log, /logs/2016/12/myApp.log, /logs/2017/01/myApp.log
Elegant Elk

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