“Ubah Ukuran Gambar Pyhton” Kode Jawaban

Ubah Ukuran Gambar Pyhton

from PIL import Image
from resizeimage import resizeimage

fd_img = open('test-image.jpeg', 'r')
img = Image.open(fd_img)
img = resizeimage.resize_cover(img, [200, 100])
img.save('test-image-cover.jpeg', img.format)
Funny Fish

Ubah Ukuran Gambar Pyhton

from PIL import Image

from resizeimage import resizeimage

with open('test-image.jpeg', 'r+b') as f:
    with Image.open(f) as image:
        cover = resizeimage.resize_cover(image, [200, 100])
        cover.save('test-image-cover.jpeg', image.format)
Funny Fish

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