“Python MessageBox” Kode Jawaban

Kotak Info Tkinter

from tkinter import messagebox

messagebox.showinfo('Title', 'Information')
Plain Pintail

Kotak Pesan untuk Python

import pyautogui
print(pyautogui.alert("Hi grepper user"))
Programmer of empires

Python MessageBox

import ctypes # native module

style = 1
ctypes.windll.user32.MessageBoxW(0, 'Your text', 'Your title', style)

## Styles:
# 0 : OK
# 1 : OK | Cancel
# 2 : Abort | Retry | Ignore
# 3 : Yes | No | Cancel
# 4 : Yes | No
# 5 : Retry | Cancel 
# 6 : Cancel | Try Again | Continue
## To also change icon, add these values to previous number
# 16 : Stop-sign icon
# 32 : Question-mark icon
# 48 : Exclamation-point icon
# 64 : Information-sign icon consisting of an 'i' in a circle
Inexpensive Impala

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