“Gulung dadu Python” Kode Jawaban

simulator rolling dadu python

from random import randint

def roll_dice():
    print(f"Number is: {randint(1,6)}")

# Do this to simulate once

# Do this to simulate multiple times
whatever = 12 # Put the number of times you want to simulate here
for number in range(whatever):
Random boi

Dice roller di Python

#importing module for random number generation
import random

#range of the values of a dice
min_val = 1
max_val = 6

#to loop the rolling through user input
roll_again = "yes"

while roll_again == "yes" or roll_again == "y":
    print("Rolling The Dices...")
    print("The Values are :")
    #generating and printing 1st random integer from 1 to 6
    print(random.randint(min_val, max_val))
    #generating and printing 2nd random integer from 1 to 6
    print(random.randint(min_val, max_val))
    #asking user to roll the dice again. Any input other than yes or y will terminate the loop
    roll_again = input("Roll the Dices Again?")
Terrible Toucan

cara membuat program dadu di python

import random
run = 1
level = 0
while(run == 1):
        print("**ROUND " + str(level) + "**") 
        print("player 1: ",random.randint(0, 6))
        print("player 2: ",random.randint(0, 6))
        run = int(input("enter 1 to go again or 0 to end: "))
        level += 1

Gulung dadu Python

import random

roll_dice = random.randint(1, 6)
Frail Frog

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