“Ubah Versi Node NVM Mac” Kode Jawaban

Ubah Versi Node NVM Mac

// First run 
nvm ls
// then you will see list of node versions 
nvm use v12.22.8
Amused Alligator

Ubah versi Node Mac

// first download "n"
npm install -g n 
// then run command to switch to specific node version
n 14.18.0
Super Serval

Perbarui Node JS Mac ke versi terbaru

brew update
brew upgrade node
Cruel Cheetah

Gunakan versi node tertentu

nvm use {Node version}
Cautious Centipede

Cara Mengubah Versi Node

nvm use --delete-prefix $NODE_VERSION

nvm use --delete-prefix v8.9.4
Google's Top Recommendation

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