“string js ke num” Kode Jawaban

cara mengonversi string ke int js

let string = "1";
let num = parseInt(string);
//num will equal 1 as a int
Unusual Unicorn

string ke nomor js

var myInt = parseInt("10.256"); //10
var myFloat = parseFloat("10.256"); //10.256

JavaScript mengonversi string ke nomor atau integer

//It accepts two arguments. 
//The first argument is the string to convert. 
//The second argument is called the radix. This is the base number used in mathematical systems. For our use, it should always be 10.

var text = '42px';
var integer = parseInt(text, 10);

// returns 42

cara mengubah string ke nomor dalam javascript

let theInt = parseInt("5.90123"); //5
let theFloat = parseFloat("5.90123"); //5.90123

Konversi string ke nomor javascript

let num = Number("123"); // 123
let num = Number("123.45"); // 123.45
let num = Number("blah"); // NaN (not a number)

string js ke num

const stringNo = '404'
Quaint Quelea

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