“Memfilter tabel pintar pada data yang diubah” Kode Jawaban

Memfilter tabel pintar pada data yang diubah

  "prop_to_search1": "value1",
  "prop_to_search2": "value2",
  "prop_to_search3": "value3"

Memfilter tabel pintar pada data yang diubah

angular.module('myApp').filter('transactionFilters', function($rootScope, $filter){
  return function(array, expression){
    // console.log(`expression is: ${JSON.stringify(expression, null, 4)}`)
      return array.filter(function(val, index){
        // in this function's context, `expression` is an object with
        // the active filters entered in each field; `val` is the data
        // representation of each row of the table

        // if this function returns true, the row will match and smart-table
        // will show it, otherwise it will be hidden

        // define matches all at once, check them all, then return
        // a big logical AND on all of them

        let accountMatch = true;
        let payeeMatch = true;
        let categoryMatch = true;

        if (expression.account) {
          uuidToSearch = val.account  // this is the account UUID
          strToSearch = $rootScope.dbCtrl.getAccountName(uuidToSearch).toLowerCase();  // convert to an account name (we could memoize this to improve performance)
          if (strToSearch) {
            // if the account had a name (it always should, but catch in case)
            // then check if the row's account contains the text entered in the filter field
            accountMatch = strToSearch.includes(expression.account.toLowerCase());
          } else {
            accountMatch = false;

        if (expression.payee){
          if (val.payee) {
            uuidToSearch = val.payee
            strToSearch = $rootScope.dbCtrl.getPayeeName(uuidToSearch).toLowerCase();

          if (strToSearch) {
            payeeMatch = strToSearch.includes(expression.payee.toLowerCase());
          } else {
            payeeMatch = false;

        if (expression.category) {
          if (val.category) {
            strToSearch = $rootScope.dbCtrl.getCategoryName(val.category, val.date).toLowerCase()
            categoryMatch = strToSearch.includes(expression.category.toLowerCase())
          } else {
            categoryMatch = false;

        return (
          accountMatch && 
          payeeMatch &&

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