“Kunci Kunci” Kode Jawaban


p {
  animation-duration: 25s;
  animation-name: slidein;

@keyframes slidein {
  from {
    margin-left: 100%;
    width: 300%;
  75% {
    font-size: 300%;
    margin-left: 25%;
    width: 150%;

  to {
    margin-left: 0%;
    width: 100%;
Hurt Hare

Kunci Kunci

@keyframes animation-name {
 0% { 
   /* CSS properties */
 100% {
   /* CSS properties */

Kunci Kunci CSS

@keyframes mymove {
  from {top: 0px;}
  to {top: 200px;}
Spotless Skylark

Kunci Kunci di CSS

@keyframes mymove {
  0% {top: 0px;}
  50% {top: 50px;}
  75% {top: 40px;}
  100%{top: 0px;}
Hurt Hyena

Kunci Kunci

/* @keyframes duration | easing-function | delay |
iteration-count | direction | fill-mode | play-state | name */
animation: 3s ease-in 1s 2 reverse both paused slidein;
Friendly Ferret

Kunci Kunci

// Web Animation API Keyframes options
var options = {
  iterations: Infinity,
  iterationStart: 0,
  delay: 0,
  endDelay: 0,
  direction: 'alternate',
  duration: 700,
  fill: 'forwards',
  easing: 'ease-out',
element.animate(keyframes, options);

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