“Kata Sandi Regex” Kode Jawaban

Kata Sandi Regex

Minimum eight characters, at least one letter and one number:

Minimum eight characters, at least one letter, one number and one special character:

Minimum eight characters, at least one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter and one number:

Minimum eight characters, at least one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter, one number and one special character:

Minimum eight and maximum 10 characters, at least one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter, one number and one special character:

Validasi regexp untuk kata sandi yang dijelaskan

  (?=.*[A-Z])       // should contain at least one upper case
  (?=.*[a-z])       // should contain at least one lower case
  (?=.*?[0-9])      // should contain at least one digit
  (?=.*?[!@#\$&*~]) // should contain at least one Special character
  .{8,}             // Must be at least 8 characters in length  
Difficult Dugong

Kata Sandi Regex

Mobile Star

Kata Sandi Regex


Validasi Kata Sandi Regex

function validate(password) {
    return /^(?=.*?[A-Z])(?=.*?[a-z])(?=.*?[0-9])[A-Za-z0-9]{6,}$/.test(password);


^               // start of input 
(?=.*?[A-Z])    // Lookahead to make sure there is at least one upper case letter
(?=.*?[a-z])    // Lookahead to make sure there is at least one lower case letter
(?=.*?[0-9])    // Lookahead to make sure there is at least one number
[A-Za-z0-9]{6,} // Make sure there are at least 6 characters of [A-Za-z0-9]
$               // end of input

Kata Sandi Regex

  (?=.*[A-Z])       // should contain at least one upper case
  (?=.*[a-z])       // should contain at least one lower case
  (?=.*?[0-9])      // should contain at least one digit
  (?=.*?[!@#\$&*~]) // should contain at least one Special character
  .{8,}             // Must be at least 8 characters in length  
Ill Ibex

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