“Instal NPM” Kode Jawaban

Cara menginstal NPM

# There are many ways to install npm
npm i
npm install
sudo apt install npm

# to install globally, just add a -g or --global after the install or i
npm i -g
npm install -g
sudo apt install -g npm

# The best way to install npm is to install node from the website 
# 'https://www.nodejs.org
# npm comes with the package, so nce you do this, npm is installed automatically

# To update npm, simply do 
npm install latest-version # To install locally,
npm install -g latest-version # To install globally

# Note that the below are the same thing
# -g => --globall
# -v => --version
# i => install
Code Rabbi

Paket Instal NPM secara global

npm install packagename -g

npm install express -g
Mr. Samy

Instal NPM

npm install -g sass
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Mongoose menghapus properti

User.collection.update({_id: user._id}, {$unset: {field: 1 }});

Instal Node_Modules

npm install

Instal NPM

npm i or npm install

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