“Forloop di JS” Kode Jawaban

JavaScript untuk Loop

//pass an array of numbers into a function and log each number to the console
function yourFunctionsName(arrayToLoop){
  //Initialize 'i' as your counter set to 0
  //Keep looping while your counter 'i' is less than your arrays length 
  //After each loop the counter 'i' is to increased by 1
  for(let i = 0; i <arrayToLoop.length; i++){
    	//during each loop we will console.log the current array's element
    	//we use 'i' to designate the current element's index in the array

//Function call below to pass in example array of numbers
yourFunctionsName([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]) 
Michael Futral

Forloop di JS

for(i = 0; i < x; ++i){
  //Loop, x can be replaced with any integer; 
Repulsive Ratel

JavaScript untuk loop [

Angry Aardvark

JavaScript untuk Loop

let array = new Array();
for (let i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
    let tmp = array[i];

Bagaimana cara menggunakan for-loop js

                               How for-loops work
A for loop has 3 parts
I will go the through the first section, than the third and than the second.

The first part is where we will start, in this case, I want to start at 0.
for(let index = 0;)
than we say every time the loop repeats how much does it add?
In this case Im using numbers and adding 1 each time. so I say:
for(let index = 0; index = index + 1)
And the final part when do we want the loop to stop?
  in this case I want it to stop at 10 so I will make my for-loop like this:
for(let index = 0; index < 10; index = index + 1)
Now I add the body to my for-loop
for(let index = 0; index < 10; index = index + 1) {
And now inside the body I run the command: console.log(index);
this will run the for-loop
for(let index = 0; index < 10; index = index + 1) {
console.log(index);     } //-> 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
It will run to 9 not 10 because it did run 10 times, but
the index started at 0 not 1
Doubtful Dunlin

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