“Konversi Kotlin ke editor online Java” Kode Jawaban

Konversi Java ke Kotlin Online Editor

	"code" -> "Convert Java File to Kotlin File" 
android developer

Konversi Kode Java ke Konverter Online Kotlin

Select the src/main/java folder in the project and choose 
	Code->"Convert Java File to Kotlin File”

Konversi Kotlin ke editor online Java

 var contactUri =data?.data?: retern
Tender Thrush

Konversi Kotlin ke editor online Java

class Builder(context: Context) {
    private val toast = NiuToast(context)

    fun title(text: CharSequence) = title(NiuText(text))
    fun title(text: NiuText) = apply { toast.title = text }

    fun text(text: CharSequence) = text(NiuText(text))
    fun text(text: NiuText) = apply { toast.text = text }

    fun icon(icon: NiuIcon) = apply { toast.icon = icon }

    fun iconBackgroundColor(@ColorInt color: Int) = apply { toast.iconBackgroundColor = color }

    /** Text and/or Icon describing an action the user can perform */
    fun hint(icon: NiuIcon?, text: String) = apply {}

    fun duration(length: Duration) = apply { toast.duration = length }

    /** Builds the toast for later presentation. */
    fun build() = toast

    /** Builds and shows the [NiuToast]. */
    fun show() = build().show()
Ankita Mani

Konversi Kotlin ke editor online Java

class  ModalBottomSheetFragment: BottomSheetDialogFragment() {
    override fun setupDialog(dialog: Dialog, style: Int) {

        super.setupDialog(dialog, style)
        //Set the custom view
        val view = LayoutInflater.from(context).inflate(R.layout.fragment_modal_bottom_sheet, null)
Dizzy Dormouse

Konversi Kotlin ke Java Online

Tools -> Kotlin -> Show Kotlin Bytecode 

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