“Wawancara HTML” Kode Jawaban

Wawancara HTML

1) what is Attribute in HTML. 
// src, width, and height are attributes
<img src="img_girl.jpg" width="500" height="600">;

2) What is Marquee
// Used to create a scrolling text or an image.
<marquee scrolldirection="left">Your text here</marquee>

3) what is Semantic 
// Is a tag to be used on HTML5 block elements like
<header>, <footer>, <section>, <article>, <aside>

4) Do all HTML tags have an end tag?

No. There are some HTML tags that don't need a closing tag. For example: <image> tag, <br> tag.

5) How to display table in HTML
// use <table> tag and use <tr>,<th> <td>


6) What is SVG
// Is a 2D image, It doesn't change the pixel when you zoom in or zoom out. More like, logo, icons, and emoji.
<svg> </svg>

7) How do you separate a section of text on HTML
<blockquote> // use to block large quoted section 

8) How do you create a nested web page in HTML 
//We can create a web page within a web page by using
<iframe src="https://www.bing.com" width="100%" height="300">

9) Ordered List vs Unordered List

//Ordered or <ol>
<ol> is numbers

// 1, Coffe
// 2, Tea

// Unordered or <ul> 
<ul> is bullet points •••

// • Cofee
// • Tea

10) Id vs class

// “id” is unique on a page and can only apply to at most one element,
  while the “class” selector can apply to multiple elements.

<h2 id="city">Tokyo</h2>
<h2 class="city">Tokyo</h2>

11) Describe HTML layout structure.

<header>: Stores the starting information about the web page.
<footer>: Represents the last section of the page.
<nav>: The navigation menu of the HTML page.
<article>: It is a set of information.
<section>:used inside the article block to define the basic structure of a page.
<aside>: Sidebar content of the page.

12) How to optimize website assets loading?

// File concatenation - This reduces the number of HTTP calls
// Lazy Loading - Instead of loading all the assets at once, the non-critical assets can be loaded on a need basis.
// Minify scripts - This reduces the overall file size of js and CSS files

13) What are the various formatting tags in HTML?

<b> - makes text bold
<i> - makes text italic
<em> - makes text italic but with added semantics importance
<big> - increases the font size of the text by one unit
<small> - decreases the font size of the text by one unit

14) What is an image map?

// Image map facilitates you to link many different web pages using a 
  single image.

15) Does a hyperlink only apply to text?

No, you can use hyperlinks on text and images both.

<a href =  "link"> Your Link Text </a>

16) Which type of video formats are supported by HTML5?
 • mp4
 • WebM

17) Is audio tag supported in HTML 5?

 • mp3
 • WAV

18) What is DOCTYPE

// The DOCTYPE declaration is an instruction to the web browser about 
  what version of HTML the page is written in.
<!DOCTYPE html>

Yafet Segid

Pertanyaan Wawancara HTML

<!DOCTYPE html>
<h2>HTML example</h2>
Use the height and width attributes to specify the size of the iframe:
<iframe src="<a href="https://www.edureka.co/">https://www.edureka.co/</a>" height="300" width="400"></iframe>
Ugliest Unicorn

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