NGBDATEPICKER Nonaktifkan input
<h1>Disabling and limiting dates</h1>
<!-- You can limit the dates available for navigation and selection using [minDate] and [maxDate] inputs. If you don't specify any of them, you'll have infinite navigation and the year select box will display [-10, +10] years from currently visible month. -->
<!-- If you want to disable some dates for selection (ex. weekends), you have to provide the [markDisabled] function that will mark certain dates not selectable. It will be called for each newly visible day when you navigate between months. -->
<!-- ex. disable the 13th of each month -->
const isDisabled = (date: NgbDate, current: {month: number}) => === 13;
<ngb-datepicker [minDate]="{year: 2010, month: 1, day: 1}"
[maxDate]="{year: 2048, month: 12, day: 31}"
COoDiE Monsta