“apa introspeksi di graphql” Kode Jawaban

Introspection GraphQL

The introspection query is:

{__schema{queryType{name}mutationType{name}subscriptionType{name}types{...FullType}directives{name description locations args{...InputValue}}}}fragment FullType on __Type{kind name description fields(includeDeprecated:true){name description args{...InputValue}type{...TypeRef}isDeprecated deprecationReason}inputFields{...InputValue}interfaces{...TypeRef}enumValues(includeDeprecated:true){name description isDeprecated deprecationReason}possibleTypes{...TypeRef}}fragment InputValue on __InputValue{name description type{...TypeRef}defaultValue}fragment TypeRef on __Type{kind name ofType{kind name ofType{kind name ofType{kind name ofType{kind name ofType{kind name ofType{kind name ofType{kind name}}}}}}}}
Clumsy Chipmunk

apa introspeksi di graphql

What is GraphQL Introspection?

GraphQL introspection enables you to query a GraphQL server 
for information about the underlying schema and the queries it supports. 

This includes data like types, fields, queries, mutations, 
and even the field-level descriptions.

Introspection queries start with __:


~ Source: https://graphql.org/learn/introspection/

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