“Widget pertunjukan flutter dengan animasi” Kode Jawaban

Widget inholeeted Flutter

class MyInherited extends InheritedWidget {
  const MyInherited({
    Key? key,
    required Widget child,
  }) : super(key: key, child: child);

  // Here be dragons: null check (!) used, but if there's no
  // MyInhereted over where you used it this will throw.
  static MyInherited of(BuildContext context) {
    return context.dependOnInheritedWidgetOfExactType<MyInherited>()!;

  //if you have properties, it should look something like:
  // bool updateShouldNotify(MyInherited old) => old.prop !== new.prop;
  //if you don't: 
  bool updateShouldNotify(MyInherited old) => false;
Cautious Cormorant

mengubah widget dalam flutter

Transform.rotate(  angle: 1.0,  child: Container(    height: 200.0,    width: 200.0,    color: Colors.pink,  ),),

Widget pertunjukan flutter dengan animasi

//Check this out  

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