CSS mengubah beberapa kelas
.objectOne, .objectTwo { /* We will now both be changed */
margin: 0 auto;
Duco Defiant Dogfish
.objectOne, .objectTwo { /* We will now both be changed */
margin: 0 auto;
//HTML Code
<div class = 'firstClass secondClass'></div>
//CSS Code
.firstClass.secondClass {
.bucket1, .bucket2, .bucket3 {
.bucket4, .bucket5, .bucket6 {
To specify multiple classes, separate the class names with a space,
e.g. <span class="classA classB">.
This allows you to combine several CSS classes for one HTML element.
//-----------used in chat App -------
var allChat = document.querySelectorAll('div[class^=chat-people]');
console.log("Found", allChat.length, "div which class starts with “chat-people”.");
intro = document.getElementById('intro-right');
for (var i = 0; i < allChat.length; i++) {
allChat[i].addEventListener('click', function() {
console.log("You clicked:", this.innerHTML);