Layar splash terminal dengan Cuaca, Kalender, Waktu & Sysinfo?



now skrip bash

CATATAN: Diperbarui 28 April 2018 untuk Ubuntu 18.04 LTS

Lift berat adalah komponen splash yang menunjukkan ini:

$ now

Weather report: Edmonton               March 2018            ┌────────────────────────────┐
                                  Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa          ┏━┓╺┓  ┏━┓┏━┓   ┏━┓┏┳┓   
     \   /     Sunny                           1  2  3          ┃┃┃  ╹┏━┛┗━┫   ┣━┛┃┃┃   
      .-.      -23--14 °C          4  5  6  7  8  9 10          ┗━┛╺┻╸╹┗━╸┗━┛         
    (   )     22 km/h          11 12 13 14 15 16 17       └────────────────────────────┘
      `-’      14 km              18 19 20 21 22 23 24  
     /   \     0.9 mm             25 26 27 28 29 30 31  

Ya itu benar-benar -14 di Edmonton dan terasa seperti -23. Waktu yang tepat untuk menghabiskan akhir pekan panjang di dalam bermain Tomb Raider 2013 yang baru tiba! Mungkin memoles Resume untuk pindah ke Vancouver atau Montreal ...

Ini kodenya:


# NAME: now
# PATH: $HOME/bin
# DESC: Display current weather, calendar and time
# CALL: Called from terminal or ~/.bashrc
# DATE: Apr 6, 2017. Modified: May 24, 2019.

# UPDT: 2019-05-24 If Weather unavailable nicely formatted error message.

# NOTE: To display all available toilet fonts use this one-liner:
#       for i in ${TOILET_FONT_PATH:=/usr/share/figlet}/*.{t,f}lf; do j=${i##*/}; toilet -d "${i%/*}" -f "$j" "${j%.*}"; done

# Setup for 92 character wide terminal
DateColumn=34 # Default is 27 for 80 character line, 34 for 92 character line
TimeColumn=61 # Default is 49 for   "   "   "   "    61 "   "   "   "

# Replace Edmonton with your city name, GPS, etc. See: curl
curl --silent --max-time 3 > /tmp/now-weather
# Timeout #. Increase for slow connection---^

readarray aWeather < /tmp/now-weather
rm -f /tmp/now-weather

# Was valid weather report found or an error message?
if [[ "${aWeather[0]}" == "Weather report:"* ]] ; then
    echo "${aWeather[@]}"
    echo "+============================+"
    echo "| Weather unavailable now!!! |"
    echo "| Check reason with command: |"
    echo "|                            |"
    echo "| curl    |" # Replace Edmonton with your city
    echo "|   --silent --max-time 3    |"
    echo "+============================+"
    echo " "
echo " "                # Pad blank lines for calendar & time to fit

#--------- DATE -------------------------------------------------------------

# calendar current month with today highlighted.
# colors 00=bright white, 31=red, 32=green, 33=yellow, 34=blue, 35=purple,
#        36=cyan, 37=white

tput sc                 # Save cursor position.
# Move up 9 lines
while [ $((++i)) -lt 10 ]; do tput cuu1; done

if [[ "$WeatherSuccess" == true ]] ; then
    # Depending on length of your city name and country name you will:
    #   1. Comment out next three lines of code. Uncomment fourth code line.
    #   2. Change subtraction value and set number of print spaces to match
    #      subtraction value. Then place comment on fourth code line.
    Column=$((DateColumn - 10))
    tput cuf $Column        # Move x column number
    # Blank out ", country" with x spaces
    printf "          "
    tput cuf $DateColumn    # Position to column 27 for date display

# -h needed to turn off formating: /ubuntu/1013954/bash-substring-stringoffsetlength-error/1013960#1013960
cal > /tmp/terminal1
# -h not supported in Ubuntu 18.04. Use second answer: /ubuntu//a/1028566/307523
tr -cd '\11\12\15\40\60-\136\140-\176' < /tmp/terminal1  > /tmp/terminal

Today=$(date +"%e")

printf "\033[32m"   # color green -- see list above.

while IFS= read -r Cal; do
    printf "%s" "$Cal"
    if [[ $CalLineCnt -gt 2 ]] ; then
        # See if today is on current line & invert background
        tput cub 22
        for (( j=0 ; j <= 18 ; j += 3 )) ; do
            Test=${Cal:$j:2}            # Current day on calendar line
            if [[ "$Test" == "$Today" ]] ; then
                printf "\033[7m"        # Reverse: [ 7 m
                printf "%s" "$Today"
                printf "\033[0m"        # Normal: [ 0 m
                printf "\033[32m"       # color green -- see list above.
                tput cuf 1
                tput cuf 3

    tput cud1               # Down one line
    tput cuf $DateColumn    # Move 27 columns right
done < /tmp/terminal

printf "\033[00m"           # color -- bright white (default)
echo ""

tput rc                     # Restore saved cursor position.

#-------- TIME --------------------------------------------------------------

tput sc                 # Save cursor position.
# Move up 8 lines
while [ $((++i)) -lt 9 ]; do tput cuu1; done
tput cuf $TimeColumn    # Move 49 columns right

# Do we have the toilet package?
if hash toilet 2>/dev/null; then
    echo " $(date +"%I:%M %P") " | \
        toilet -f future --filter border > /tmp/terminal
# Do we have the figlet package?
elif hash figlet 2>/dev/null; then
#    echo $(date +"%I:%M %P") | figlet > /tmp/terminal
    date +"%I:%M %P" | figlet > /tmp/terminal
# else use standard font
#    echo $(date +"%I:%M %P") > /tmp/terminal
    date +"%I:%M %P" > /tmp/terminal

while IFS= read -r Time; do
    printf "\033[01;36m"    # color cyan
    printf "%s" "$Time"
    tput cud1               # Up one line
    tput cuf $TimeColumn    # Move 49 columns right
done < /tmp/terminal

tput rc                     # Restore saved cursor position.

exit 0

Simpan perubahan file `~ / .bashrc".

Untuk menampilkan informasi Ubuntu yang Anda butuhkan screenfetch:

sudo apt install screenfetch

Ada paket tampilan serupa untuk screenfetchjadi berbelanja!

Jika Anda ingin prompt perintah yang sama dengan "─────────" membagi garis antara perintah, ubah baris ini:

if [ "$color_prompt" = yes ]; then
${debian_chroot:+($debian_chroot)}\[\033[01;32m\]\u@\h\[\033[00m\]:\[\033[01;34m\]\w\[\033[00m\]\$ '
${debian_chroot:+($debian_chroot)}\u@\h:\w\$ '
unset color_prompt force_color_prompt

Perhatikan panjang garis pemisah bertepatan dengan lebar screenfetchkeluaran. Dalam hal ini lebarnya 92 karakter dan gnome-terminalpreferensi diatur sesuai.

Komentar bukan untuk diskusi panjang; percakapan ini telah dipindahkan ke obrolan .
Thomas Ward
@ WinEunuuchs2Unix dapatkah Anda membuat bash scrip sebagai tempat penyimpanan github? saya punya beberapa saran untuk membuatnya lebih tangguh terhadap ukuran jendela terminal (pada hard endline wraping temins seperti wsl) dan beberapa saran bagaimana meningkatkan kalender untuk menyertakan suport untuk beberapa bahasa versi saya yang dimodifikasi sedikit berbeda tetapi dapat diukur: D