Cara Memperbaiki File Sistem Rusak dari CD Instalasi


Saya menggunakan Windows 8.1 x64, build 6.3.9600.16384, menggunakan Command Prompt dengan hak administrator.

sfc /scannow


...found corrupt files but was unable to fix some of them.


dism /online /cleanup-image /restorehealth


Error: 0x800f0906
The source files could not be downloaded.

(dan Layanan Pembaruan Windows tidak dapat memulai karena file-file itu hilang.)

juga mencoba

dism /online /cleanup-image /restorehealth /source:wim:F:\sources\install.wim:1 /limitaccess

dan dikembalikan:

Version: 6.3.9600.16384
Image Version: 6.3.9600.16384
Error: 0x800f081f
The source files could not be found.

Saya memasang gambar, dan mencoba dari sana.

dism /mount-image /imagefile:F:\sources\install.wim /index:1 /mountdir:C:\offline

dism /online /cleanup-image /restoreHealth /source:c:\offline /limitaccess

juga kembali:

Error: 0x800f081f

Bagaimana cara memperbaiki File Sistem Rusak?

Dapatkah saya memberi tahu DISM untuk menggunakan disk instalasi Windows sebagai sumbernya?

Carlos Gil
@ and31415, poster tentang pertanyaan itu memutar masalahnya, tetapi jawaban itu tidak menyelesaikan masalah saya.
Carlos Gil
Kemudian Anda dapat menyalin CSB.logfile (yang biasanya dapat ditemukan C:\Windows\Logs\CBS) ke desktop, kompres dalam arsip .zip / .7z, dan unggah di suatu tempat (mis. ). Kemudian poskan tautan yang dihasilkan di sini untuk pemeriksaan lebih lanjut.
Ini dia Ini CSB.logdibuat oleh sfc /scannow CSB.log
Carlos Gil



Memfilter detail

Menjalankan sfc /scannowakan menghasilkan CBS.logfile laporan (biasanya ditemukan di C:\Windows\Logs\CBS) yang berisi banyak informasi. Untuk mendapatkan bit yang berair, buka command prompt, dan jalankan perintah ini:

findstr /i /c:"[SR]" "%windir%\Logs\CBS\CBS.log" | findstr /i /v /c:"verify" > "%userprofile%\Desktop\sfc.txt"

Perintah di atas akan:

  1. Dapatkan semua baris dalam file asli yang berisi [SR], yang merupakan orang-orang yang melacak upaya perbaikan.

  2. Hapus semua baris yang mengandung verifydari apa yang kita dapatkan di langkah sebelumnya untuk mengurangi kekacauan lebih lanjut.

  3. Tulis hasilnya dalam sfc.txtfile untuk analisis nanti.

Dalam hal ini, ini akan menjadi file yang dihasilkan:

2014-02-19 17:08:47, Info                  CSI    0000008b [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:22{11}]"Generic.xbf" of Microsoft-Windows-Camera-LockScreenCamera-Main, Version = 6.3.9600.16485, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_AMD64 (9), Culture neutral, VersionScope = 1 nonSxS, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:31bf3856ad364e35}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, file is missing
2014-02-19 17:08:49, Info                  CSI    0000008c [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:22{11}]"Generic.xbf" of Microsoft-Windows-Camera-LockScreenCamera-Main, Version = 6.3.9600.16485, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_AMD64 (9), Culture neutral, VersionScope = 1 nonSxS, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:31bf3856ad364e35}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, file is missing
2014-02-19 17:08:49, Info                  CSI    0000008d [SR] This component was referenced by [l:154{77}]"Package_1_for_KB2914218~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~"
2014-02-19 17:08:51, Info                  CSI    00000091 [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:22{11}]"Generic.xbf" of Microsoft-Windows-Camera-LockScreenCamera-MediaShared, Version = 6.3.9600.16485, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_AMD64 (9), Culture neutral, VersionScope = 1 nonSxS, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:31bf3856ad364e35}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, file is missing
2014-02-19 17:08:53, Info                  CSI    00000092 [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:22{11}]"Generic.xbf" of Microsoft-Windows-Camera-LockScreenCamera-MediaShared, Version = 6.3.9600.16485, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_AMD64 (9), Culture neutral, VersionScope = 1 nonSxS, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:31bf3856ad364e35}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, file is missing
2014-02-19 17:08:53, Info                  CSI    00000093 [SR] This component was referenced by [l:154{77}]"Package_1_for_KB2914218~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~"
2014-02-19 17:08:56, Info                  CSI    00000097 [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:22{11}]"Generic.xbf" of Microsoft-Windows-Camera-MediaViewerDistributed-MediaShared, Version = 6.3.9600.16485, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_AMD64 (9), Culture neutral, VersionScope = 1 nonSxS, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:31bf3856ad364e35}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, file is missing
2014-02-19 17:08:57, Info                  CSI    00000098 [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:22{11}]"Generic.xbf" of Microsoft-Windows-Camera-MediaViewerDistributed-MediaShared, Version = 6.3.9600.16485, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_AMD64 (9), Culture neutral, VersionScope = 1 nonSxS, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:31bf3856ad364e35}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, file is missing
2014-02-19 17:08:57, Info                  CSI    00000099 [SR] This component was referenced by [l:154{77}]"Package_1_for_KB2914218~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~"
2014-02-19 17:23:00, Info                  CSI    00000975 [SR] Repairing 3 components
2014-02-19 17:23:00, Info                  CSI    00000977 [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:22{11}]"Generic.xbf" of Microsoft-Windows-Camera-LockScreenCamera-Main, Version = 6.3.9600.16485, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_AMD64 (9), Culture neutral, VersionScope = 1 nonSxS, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:31bf3856ad364e35}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, file is missing
2014-02-19 17:23:00, Info                  CSI    00000978 [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:22{11}]"Generic.xbf" of Microsoft-Windows-Camera-LockScreenCamera-MediaShared, Version = 6.3.9600.16485, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_AMD64 (9), Culture neutral, VersionScope = 1 nonSxS, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:31bf3856ad364e35}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, file is missing
2014-02-19 17:23:00, Info                  CSI    00000979 [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:22{11}]"Generic.xbf" of Microsoft-Windows-Camera-MediaViewerDistributed-MediaShared, Version = 6.3.9600.16485, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_AMD64 (9), Culture neutral, VersionScope = 1 nonSxS, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:31bf3856ad364e35}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, file is missing
2014-02-19 17:23:00, Info                  CSI    0000097a [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:22{11}]"Generic.xbf" of Microsoft-Windows-Camera-LockScreenCamera-MediaShared, Version = 6.3.9600.16485, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_AMD64 (9), Culture neutral, VersionScope = 1 nonSxS, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:31bf3856ad364e35}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, file is missing
2014-02-19 17:23:00, Info                  CSI    0000097b [SR] This component was referenced by [l:154{77}]"Package_1_for_KB2914218~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~"
2014-02-19 17:23:00, Info                  CSI    0000097c [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:22{11}]"Generic.xbf" of Microsoft-Windows-Camera-LockScreenCamera-Main, Version = 6.3.9600.16485, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_AMD64 (9), Culture neutral, VersionScope = 1 nonSxS, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:31bf3856ad364e35}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, file is missing
2014-02-19 17:23:00, Info                  CSI    0000097d [SR] This component was referenced by [l:154{77}]"Package_1_for_KB2914218~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~"
2014-02-19 17:23:00, Info                  CSI    0000097e [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:22{11}]"Generic.xbf" of Microsoft-Windows-Camera-MediaViewerDistributed-MediaShared, Version = 6.3.9600.16485, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_AMD64 (9), Culture neutral, VersionScope = 1 nonSxS, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:31bf3856ad364e35}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, file is missing
2014-02-19 17:23:00, Info                  CSI    0000097f [SR] This component was referenced by [l:154{77}]"Package_1_for_KB2914218~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~"
2014-02-19 17:23:00, Info                  CSI    00000980 [SR] Repair complete
2014-02-19 17:23:00, Info                  CSI    00000981 [SR] Committing transaction

Identifikasi masalah

Memeriksa file Anda dapat melihat Pemeriksa File Sistem mencoba memperbaiki 3 komponen, tetapi gagal:

2014-02-19 17:23:00, Info                  CSI    00000975 [SR] Repairing 3 components
2014-02-19 17:23:00, Info                  CSI    00000977 [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:22{11}]"Generic.xbf" of Microsoft-Windows-Camera-LockScreenCamera-Main, Version = 6.3.9600.16485, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_AMD64 (9), Culture neutral, VersionScope = 1 nonSxS, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:31bf3856ad364e35}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, file is missing
2014-02-19 17:23:00, Info                  CSI    00000978 [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:22{11}]"Generic.xbf" of Microsoft-Windows-Camera-LockScreenCamera-MediaShared, Version = 6.3.9600.16485, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_AMD64 (9), Culture neutral, VersionScope = 1 nonSxS, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:31bf3856ad364e35}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, file is missing
2014-02-19 17:23:00, Info                  CSI    00000979 [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:22{11}]"Generic.xbf" of Microsoft-Windows-Camera-MediaViewerDistributed-MediaShared, Version = 6.3.9600.16485, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_AMD64 (9), Culture neutral, VersionScope = 1 nonSxS, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:31bf3856ad364e35}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, file is missing

Setiap entri mengikuti skema kasar ini:

  • Cannot repair member file [...]"Generic.xbf"
    File yang perlu diperbaiki.

  • of Microsoft-Windows-Camera-LockScreenCamera-Main,
    Nama paket milik file tersebut.

  • Version = 6.3.9600.16485,
    Versi file (utama, kecil, versi dan revisi).

    Arsitektur prosesor yang ditargetkan .

  • Culture neutral, [...],
    Baik netral atau nama budaya terkait jika dilokalkan.

  • file is missing
    Alasan file perlu diperbaiki.

Ada tiga Generic.xbffile yang hilang. Selain itu, mereka semua membagikan sedikit informasi ini:

2014-02-19 17:23:00, Info                  CSI    0000097b [SR] This component was referenced by [l:154{77}]"Package_1_for_KB2914218~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~"

Ini berarti file tersebut termasuk dalam pembaruan Windows KB2914218.

Perbaikan manual

  1. Dapatkan paket pembaruan KB2914218 .

  2. Ekstrak .msufile yang diunduh menggunakan 7-Zip dalam folder bernama setelah file asli (misalnya Windows8.1-KB2914218-x64).

  3. Buka prompt perintah sebagai administrator, dan navigasikan ke folder yang sebenarnya dengan menggunakan perintah berikut:

    cd /d "X:\Whatever\Windows8.1-KB2914218-x64"
  4. Perluas arsip kabinet yang berisi file pembaruan di direktori saat ini:

    expand -f:* %cd%
  5. Setiap paket memiliki .manifestfile terkait yang berisi daftar file yang dibundel. Untuk menentukan di mana setiap file disimpan, jalankan perintah berikut dengan mengganti packagaNamedan fileName.extdengan nilai aktual:

    for /f "delims=" %A in ('"findstr /i /m /c:"packageName" *.manifest"') do @for /f "delims=" %B in ('"findstr /i /m /c:"fileName.ext" %A"') do @echo %~nB;fileName.ext>>fixes.txt

    Sebagai contoh:

    for /f "delims=" %A in ('"findstr /i /m /c:"Microsoft-Windows-Camera-LockScreenCamera-Main" *.manifest"') do @for /f "delims=" %B in ('"findstr /i /m /c:"Generic.xbf" %A"') do @echo %~nB;Generic.xbf>>fixes.txt
  6. Ulangi langkah 5 untuk file lain yang perlu diperbaiki.

  7. Ambil kepemilikan dan kontrol penuh atas C:\Windows\winsxsfolder:

    takeown /f "%windir%\winsxs" /a
    icacls "%windir%\winsxs" /grant:r *S-1-5-32-544:(OI)(CI)(F) /q
  8. Buat folder yang hilang:

    for /f "tokens=1 delims=;" %G in (fixes.txt) do @if not exist "%windir%\winsxs\%~G\" @md "%windir%\winsxs\%~G"
  9. Kendalikan penuh folder yang diperlukan:

    for /f "tokens=1 delims=;" %G in (fixes.txt) do takeown /f "%windir%\winsxs\%~G" /a >nul & icacls "%windir%\winsxs\%~G" /grant:r *S-1-5-32-544:(OI)(CI)(F) /q
  10. Pulihkan file:

    for /f "tokens=1,2 delims=;" %A in (fixes.txt) do copy /y ".\%A\%B" "%windir%\winsxs\%A\%B"
  11. Ulangi pemeriksaan file sistem untuk memastikan masalah telah diperbaiki:

    sfc /scannow


Terima kasih. SFC /SCANNOWtidak masalah setelah itu.
Carlos Gil
Wow, ini luar biasa! Mengapa Anda tidak menulis tutorial di atau yang serupa?
Milind R