setup windows xp Network credential


Saya memiliki dua mesin, Windows XP Machine dan Windows 8.1 Machine, di jaringan publik yang terhubung ke Mesin lain

Saya ingin berbagi folder dan file saya melalui jaringan publik, saya ingin membagikannya dengan aman

Pertanyaan saya adalah bagaimana cara mengatur nama pengguna dan kata sandi untuk jaringan mesin windows xp sehingga saya dapat mengakses folder bersama dengan mesin windows 8.1?




You cannot easily share Windows shared drives over a public network. Windows does not encrypt the traffic between the machines (except for the login).

To do so securely, you need to set up a "Virtual Private Network" (VPN). This provides a "tunnel" which is an encrypted link between the 2 networks. You could research IPSEC based VPN's.

Tools such as Hamachi can be used to set up VPN's or tools such as TeamDrive or even DropBox are alternatives that can reasonably securely share files.

Julian Knight