Apa urutan arahan lokasi?
Dari dokumentasi modul inti HTTP :
Contoh dari dokumentasi:
location = / {
# matches the query / only.
[ configuration A ]
location / {
# matches any query, since all queries begin with /, but regular
# expressions and any longer conventional blocks will be
# matched first.
[ configuration B ]
location /documents/ {
# matches any query beginning with /documents/ and continues searching,
# so regular expressions will be checked. This will be matched only if
# regular expressions don't find a match.
[ configuration C ]
location ^~ /images/ {
# matches any query beginning with /images/ and halts searching,
# so regular expressions will not be checked.
[ configuration D ]
location ~* \.(gif|jpg|jpeg)$ {
# matches any request ending in gif, jpg, or jpeg. However, all
# requests to the /images/ directory will be handled by
# Configuration D.
[ configuration E ]
Jika masih membingungkan, inilah penjelasan yang lebih panjang .
aturan cocok dengan permintaan/documents/index.html
, tetapi aturan yang terakhir diutamakan karena itu aturan terpanjang.Itu menyala dalam urutan ini.
(pertandingan maju)~
(peka huruf besar reguler)~*
(kasus ekspresi reguler tidak sensitif)/
Ada alat pengujian online yang berguna untuk prioritas lokasi sekarang:
pengujian prioritas lokasi online